Online shoppers beware....


New Member
It all started 2 months ago when another LHCFer showed her one month progress and had stated that included in her regimen was this scalp stimulant called Actipouss. Anyway, I had been looking for something to enhance my scalp massages so I thought this product would be worth trying giving her progress and all. I went to the website (Michelle de Paris) and ordered a bottle for $15, that was on April 23rd and I still have no product:eek: . After about two weeks I called the customer number and was told they had had an increase in orders for that product and it was being shipped by boat from France so it would be in the States in about a week. Two more weeks and nothing, I called again and was told it was now in the States and they would be shipping it out soon. Still nothing. After about a month, I called and was still really nice and patient and told her that I no longer wanted the product and for them to simply refund my account, the same lady I had spoken to the previous times said that was fine, took my order number and told me my account would be refunded that same night. That was a week and a half ago, I called again this past week and I got no answer. I have called about 10 times and still no answer, went on their website filed a complaint, emailed the so called CEO/founder of the company and still no response. I have never seen such terrible service like this in my life. I don't even believe they are a really company anymore. Its not even that I am out of my money, luckily it was only $15, but its the principle of the matter, you can't just give me a bowl-faced lie everytime I called. What kind of bs is this?:mad:

Anyway, sorry for the long rant, but I don't know what to do and I am just really upset. Has anyone else had a bad experience with this company or any other.
Please call your cc company and file a complaint. They will refund you and deal with their shady arse.
Geez....Thanks for the warning. That's why I don't like ordering online, unless it it from a well known famous company. Also, whenever someone recommends a hair product, I always do a search and try and find the product in my local area; so to support local businesses. I hope you get your money back.
Thanks for the warning!!! If you haven't already, consider putting it in the vendor review forum, sometimes I think people browse that place before buying at a certain website.
I ordered from a clothing websight it took them about 2 months to send me my order. so i know what u are goin through but the fact of matter they shoulda not charge u for that products unless its on its way within few days.