Oprah Guest uses Coconut Oil

My Friend

New Member
Today on Oprah one of her guest said she uses coconut oil on hair( APL front, could not see back)), her skin and for cooking. This sister was 62 and she looks FABULOUS!

Has anyone used coconut oil for 5 years or more? Wanna share your results? Likes? Dislikes?
I've used it on my body and hair for the past 1yr but don't cook with it... it's something I plan to start doing, because I love this oil.
I only use it on my hair and sometimes body but cannot touch my face with it as my skin is too oily to start with. Works great for my hair even after my cowash i just apply coconut oil to my hair and that it. I havent tried cooking with it either.
Honeycomb do you just replace your canola oil with coconut oil? Do you fry with it? Bake?

I mainly use coconut oil for frying my eggs :yep: I haven't tried it for frying anything else. Also, I will put it in warm water and sweetened with a little stevia.