Out of the Mouth of Babes feat. "Jotta A."


Well-Known Member
Jotta A., a young Brazilian boy from Brazilians Got Talent 2011...the Lord has truly blessed this young child with a beautiful voice. May he always use it to spread the gospel!

"Agnus Dei" - http://youtu.be/1uoFq-Pzldg

"O Happy Day" - http://youtu.be/zrJEE3_2s-k

"Amazing Grace" - http://youtu.be/O_tb2KKjUpM

Matthew 21:16 - And said unto him, Hearest thou what these say? And Jesus saith unto them, Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise?
Jotta A., a young Brazilian boy from Brazilians Got Talent 2011...the Lord has truly blessed this young child with a beautiful voice. May he always use it to spread the gospel!

"Agnus Dei" - http://youtu.be/1uoFq-Pzldg

"O Happy Day" - http://youtu.be/zrJEE3_2s-k

"Amazing Grace" - http://youtu.be/O_tb2KKjUpM

Matthew 21:16 - And said unto him, Hearest thou what these say? And Jesus saith unto them, Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise?


Thank you so very much. I am just amazed and extremely moved with such a beautiful gift from God's heart to the glory of God.

This child is not just singing but worshipping God from his heart. God bless him and keep him and protect him from the ugly temptations of this world. Let this be one of millions upon millions of more children who will grow up to give glory to God and honour unto God's name.

Thank you so very much. I am just amazed and extremely moved with such a beautiful gift from God's heart to the glory of God.

This child is not just singing but worshipping God from his heart. God bless him and keep him and protect him from the ugly temptations of this world. Let this be one of millions upon millions of more children who will grow up to give glory to God and honour unto God's name.

Amen! When we hear a voice like that, how can we not help but turn our eyes towards the Creator? Glad that you were moved by his worship and I do pray that he is one of millions. :yep:
Amen! When we hear a voice like that, how can we not help but turn our eyes towards the Creator? Glad that you were moved by his worship and I do pray that he is one of millions. :yep:

Amen divya. Thanks is not enough for you sharing this, let alone thanking God for such a gift as this child.

If a child can love God so much, how much more can and should adults?

I'm sharing these and the others on youtube with my family and other loved ones. It simply changes the course of one's day into something better. :yep:

Much love to you, precious... :love2: