Paging Karonica


New Member
Hey Karonica

I'm thinking about getting a weave, I just really want to do something different with my hair!

Who does yours? How is it done, what's the maintanence on it, how often do you get it redone? Any other info. you have to give would be great!

Hey Ms. K.

I do my own.
I'm not great, but it beats the hizzle out of paying a 100 and up. I've had it done at the salon once, and paid 100 for it, and that wasn't including the hair. And 100 dollars for a full sewn-in weave is a good deal, unless you go to an African braiding shop. They may charge as low as 80, but generally nothing lower.

There are different ways of weaving. This site covers them pretty well. I've always sewn mine in.

As far as touch-ups, it all depends on how fast your hair grows. When the newgrowth starts coming in, the track is going to get looser, and the looser it is, the nastier it looks. This is really why I hate washing my hair while they are in because the water loosens the track, unless the person who does it cornrows really tight. I can't cornrow tight, which is why I've never left mine in past 3 weeks.

When getting a weave, I will tell you this much. Shampooing your hair can be a nuisance! If you have an irritable scalp, DO NOT get a weave, unless it is under control. That's my biggest problem. I get dandruff if I don't put water on my scalp frequently and this is hard to do when wearing a weave, because you don't want your cornrows always wet underneath or else it can possibly start to smell.
If your scalp gives you no problems, and you're the type of person who doesn't have to put a thing on your scalp, then you should be fine.

Let's see, what else.
Oh, since you've never worn a weave before, a cheaper investment are instant weaves.
Get the look of a weave in 60 seconds!
Not to mention, it's cheaper.

What kind of look are you trying to achieve?
Hey Karonica

I just went out and got me a wig today so I'm holding off on the weave. I like the flexibility of being able to wash my hair whenever and all that jazz, not to mention it's much cheaper

The wig I got has bangs and is past shoulderlength. I wanted something like Beyonce in her new video when she's wearing the all black and on the floor. Mine has more bounce than hers, it's not straight and blunt it's layered and curled a lil more. I took a pic, so I'll post it when I get my film developed
Smart thinking!
Believe me, it's great to know when your head is on fire itching, you can simply take that thang off and scrub your head.
You can't do that in a weave very well though.