Paging Tracy! Question on routine


Tracy, I heard someone mention that they were following your moisture, moisture, protein routine, and I was wondering if you or anyone who is following this routine could recap this routine or bump up the post where it is mentioned? Your post-permie color bootcamp saved me from my lowlight disaster, and now that I'm six months past that fiasco, I'm thinking that I can throttle back my routine a bit.

Thanks in advance.



New Member
Hey OE!

(I always think of Old English when I type that.
I'm l'il ghetto)....

The Mositure Mositure Protein regime wasn't ever really official I don't think - so here it is...

You only use your protein conditioner once every other week and every other time you use moisture. You follow with a mositure conditioner always. That's assuming that you wash twice a week.

If you don't, then I'd just do the protein (followed by moisture, of course) once every third week. That should be enough to "maintain" colored hair tha hasn't been recently colored.
Basically it's protein first every 3rd or 4th wash.....before you do the moisture conditioner.

Does that help?


That helps a lot, Trace, thank you! I think I've been "proteining" my hair a bit too much, so hopefully it will thrive on more moisture treatments.

Thanks again!
OE ( You have me
with Old English!)


New Member
If you find the breakdown I did above doesn't yeild the results you want, def. consider using moisture until your hair loses that brittle, rough feeling that protein can give, and just save it for when you think you need it.
If my hair is happy, I will go for weeks 3 weeks (washing 2x a week) w/o a protein treatment. It's only when it gets that over-soft mushy feel that I step up the protein treatments again - and protein is almost always necessary after color so I always add more then too...

If your hair is over it, give it what it wants. That's my motto. It'll let you know when it's ready for more protein again.

Your very welcome.


New Member
Thanks for that post. I dont use colour but I liked what you said about using protein treatment when you feel that mushy feeling.

I always wondered when is the right time to use a protein treatment. Of late I have been doing it every two weeks but then again I think what I have been using is a very mild protein.

But, still it is good to have that intuitive method in dealing with the hair. Just being in tune with what it needs at the time. Alot I get stuck in a routine that I don't pay attention to what it needs at the moment and forget the routine.

thanks for that.


New Member
Your welcome Jazz Angel - I also beleive that intuition when it comes to your hair is KEY. I always try to give my hair what it needs...

Getting to know what your hair is saying to you and how you should respond is very important.