PJ Confession/VitaminShoppe Splurge


New Member
Ok, I just realized that I am a PJ.*Sigh*...

Here's what happened...the VitaminShoppe sent me a coupon for $10 off a purchase of $40 or more. I couldn't resist the temptation and I purchased the following things...

Jojoba Oil (I love this stuff and was getting low; purchase justified)

Fo-ti (Is this really necessary? Does anyone use this w/good results?)

Twinlab SodiumPCA Spray (Ok, I read the directions for this
, but have no idea on how to fit this into my current shampoo or conditioner washes? Does anyone use this and if so, how?)

Island Spice Cream Rinse (Been dying to try this! Seems rather thick...actually very thick. Is it supposed to be this way?)

KAL Super Silica Plus (Just wanted to follow the Bargello regimen to a tee and this was the one supplement I was missing...has anyone had noticeable results w/silica? If so, what were they?)

Do you guys think this purchase was justified? Or just a chronic case of PJism?

Also, if you have any tips on using any of these products, please help a sista out.

That's it. Thanks for listening,

I purchased the TwinLab spray and I put it on wet hair. Some people say it is wonderful! For me I notice no new difference. So I will not repeat the purchase. I took silica alone years ago and noticed no difference! Sorry I guess I am not helping your scenario!!!
But HOPEFULLY your results will be different!
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
JenJen2721 said:
Ok, I just realized that I am a PJ.*Sigh*...

Here's what happened...the VitaminShoppe sent me a coupon for $10 off a purchase of $40 or more. I couldn't resist the temptation and I purchased the following things...

Jojoba Oil (I love this stuff and was getting low; purchase justified)

Fo-ti (Is this really necessary? Does anyone use this w/good results?)

Twinlab SodiumPCA Spray (Ok, I read the directions for this
, but have no idea on how to fit this into my current shampoo or conditioner washes? Does anyone use this and if so, how?)

Island Spice Cream Rinse (Been dying to try this! Seems rather thick...actually very thick. Is it supposed to be this way?)

KAL Super Silica Plus (Just wanted to follow the Bargello regimen to a tee and this was the one supplement I was missing...has anyone had noticeable results w/silica? If so, what were they?)

Do you guys think this purchase was justified? Or just a chronic case of PJism?

Also, if you have any tips on using any of these products, please help a sista out.

That's it. Thanks for listening,


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Hey Jen,

I think your purchases were well justified. You bought products that made you happy and life is about happiness. You didn't buy crack or sex, just some vitamins and stuff. You work hard, right? You're a good person, right? I say you didn't buy enough and you should go back and buy more... whatever it is your heart desires and wants because you only live one time and there's no use regretting ANYTHING. Ever.

The above is the little speech I gave myself when I went to this vitamin store last night and bought $50 worth of stuff. And why was a Sally's right next door? Dropped another $25.

The speech worked for me so I hope it works for you.

At the vitamin store I bought this Colon Cleanser system. I"ve been reading up and the vitamins can be circulated through my system better with a clean colon so I'm getting that bad boy CLEAN. I need all these vits to work to their fullest potential....

I also bought some Jojoba oil and a Boar Bristle Brush.

Then at Sally's I bought some Bigen, Tones and Textures dye(don't aske why I bought both because I dont' know), An $8 box of hairpins and some hair clips. And I think I'll return today for some Motions Hair Lotion.

But it's all good. I've dropped $75 on lesser things.

But about your Silica... I take Silica along with all the other stuff so I really don't know what's doing what. I did see some liquid silica though, I thought about getting it but decided against it. I saw the Fo-Ti too. It's some Asian herb that supposed to slow down the graying process and add shine and stuff... It's was like $30 so I left it right there on the shelf.

But anyhoo... you did good. Just look at all your purchases as a hobby. Some folks collect stamps, coins, dolls... You and I? We collect hair stuff.
Hey, Jen!

Girl, your purchases were very tame. I expected to see a huge laundry list. You got some very cool goodies

Did you get the VS brand of jojoba oil? If you did, you just bought the Desert Essence brand...they make VS jojoba oil...

With the Island Spice Cream Rinse, YES, it is supposed to be ultra-thick! Let me know what you think after you have tried it.

I hope you enjoy everything!

Much Love,


P.S. I do enjoy coupons
Thanks NayNay! Did you leave the Twinlab spray on? Or rinse out? I'm hoping the silica works well w/the Bargello regimen.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Jade21 said:
Hey, Jen!

Girl, your purchases were very tame. I expected to see a huge laundry list. You got some very cool goodies

Did you get the VS brand of jojoba oil? If you did, you just bought the Desert Essence brand...they make VS jojoba oil...

With the Island Spice Cream Rinse, YES, it is supposed to be ultra-thick! Let me know what you think after you have tried it.

I hope you enjoy everything!

Much Love,


P.S. I do enjoy coupons

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks Jade21,
You know I always value your input. I did get the Desert Essence brand and I'm going to try the Island Spice rinse tonight. (I hope). I'll keep you posted!

God bless,