Please Bump the 2nd Milestone


New Member
LadyZ said:
What is is?:confused:

These are the questions it ask. I found it and bump it. Shoud be right above this post.

1) For those that have NOT had the opportunity to read our HAIR BIBLE - A NEWCOMER'S GUIDE TO STARTING OUT, read sections 1-10. Any questions on what you've read so far????

2) Post your progress here....
- Have you stuck to your outlined routine?
- If you've changed any products or part of your process, what is/was it???
- Do you have any questions about your process or your progress???

3) What protective styles are you currently wearing?
Please post your step-by-step instructions on how to re-create it, if you haven't already. Please tell us what products you use to do it.

4) Product Reviews everyone?????