Please Pray- 3 degrees and no job


Please pray for me. I have 3 degrees (political science BA, Masters of Public Administration and a law degree) and I can't seem to find a job. I graduated magna cum laude and have all kinds of awards and honors. But, it all seems to mean nothing because I can't find a job.

To add insult to inury, I found a job teaching business law courses at the local college, but my job was cancelled becuase of low enrollment at the school. I don't know what is wrong, I am professional and carry myself as such. People have also described me as pleasant and nice to be around.

I talk to people I know who may know others who could assist in obtaining a job, but they all seem to just pass the buck by saying "well, I e-mailed your resume to so in so" (usually a perfect stranger who has no intent on hiring someone they don't know anything about). It's been rough, please pray for me. Thanks everyone.
I will keep you in my prayers. I know how you feel. When I graduated with my B.A. it took me a year to find my current job as a legal secretary. It pays decent but this is not what I went to school for. I have a friend who is a lawyer and it took him over a year to find a job. The Lord will come through for you. I will be fasting tomorrow and I will pray for you throughout the day.
It will all work out. Keep your faith and your blessings are sure to follow (the awards and accolades WILL mean something, by the way!).
We all need to trust God to meet our needs and to lead us into our destiny, we need to seek His face concerning every area of our lives. I will pray for you, but I encourage you to pray fervently, asking God to prepare you for a job and guide you to it. Keep sending those resumes. You may have to be willing to take a job that is beneath your qualification levels, just to get a foot in the door, I've had to do that before. It may be humbling, but at least it brings experience and a paycheck. Don't give up, persevere, and you will find something. It may not be what you want immediately, but its a start.
I KNOW exactly how you feel. I will pray for you, and I send you all the best.
God has a plan and a purpose for us and it will be revealed in due time. I am really learning to focus on that, but I definitely know how you feel.
Just wanted to thank everyone for praying for me. I'm sure God will lead me to the job he has in store for me. Also, let's all not forget to also pray for Kitty18; she is also job hunting.
I'll pray for you...don't worry, If you didn't get the job, it means God has something better for you and know what's best...
Hey, I can sister and I are in similar situation (2 degrees) but God is still God, our day is coming so hang in there and yeah pls pray for us too!
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