Postpartum Shedding- Help Please


New Member

I am hoping that you all can help me. I have experienced a ton of shedding after my second baby. I know that some shedding is natural but I have had a TON, to the point that I am pretty patchy all over the top of my head. It had kind of stopped after the 3 months but then when I stopped breastfeeding in June, I guess because of the hormonal changes it has started back again. :(

I really prefer to wear my hair straight but I have been able to somewhat disguise my patchiness by going curly and I buy this stuff that you sprinkle on your head that makes your hair look much thicker. I went to the dermatologist and she said that she thinks it will grow back but it could be a combo of pattern baldness and the postpartum shedding but she's just not sure. She said check back in Oct. to see what is happening but I want to try to do something now to save my hair.

I'm scared. Do you all have some ideas to stop the shedding and grow back my hair that have worked well for you? Also, do you think I should start taking vitamin supplements? How often do you think I should deep condition my hair and which ones have worked well for you? My hair is also super dry since I stopped relaxing it a few years ago. I would appreciate ANY help you can give me, I am grateful for having any hair on my head but I am so self-conscious about my hair right now too.

Thanks to you all!


Well-Known Member
i know a lot of women take biotin after having a baby. but with biotin there is a chance of acne. Im wondering if there is a hormonal change, if you obgyn could prescribe you something to get your body in order??


Embracing the Light
I went bald from postpartum shedding 3 months after giving birth to my boys. I went to the Derm initially, and he gave me a topical to jump start the growth...after that it was just Nioxin vitamins, Mega Tek, and figuring out a regimen that worked. And time. Keep your moisture levels as high as possible. Maybe try Garlic Shampoo. And DC weekly or more with Alter Ego Garlic Conditioner. DO NOT STOP TAKING YOUR PRENATALS.

If you have time to learn, I'd also suggest Ayurveda...that did a lot to strengthen my follicles. It will grow back! I know how hard it is, but it will get better. :bighug:


Well-Known Member
Try a coffee or tea rinse and very low msnipulation hair styles. I lost a tennis ball size of hair about a month ago (my son is 4 months) but it seems to be tapering off a bit. Garlic poo didnt help me im also still exclusively breastfeeding


New Member
Thanks for the suggestions! I will try all of that. I am seriously considering just cutting it all off and starting over. I have never tried wigs before but I'm considering it. I may post a whole new thread for this, but do they make wigs that will look like my real hair? I am wondering...

Also I have heard of coffee oil, do you think it works?


New Member
i know a lot of women take biotin after having a baby. but with biotin there is a chance of acne. Im wondering if there is a hormonal change, if you obgyn could prescribe you something to get your body in order??

That is a good question about my gyno. I don't know, I think it is just a natural thing after you stop breastfeeding that your body goes through a lot of changes and eventually it gets back to its normal self. But I may go ahead and call my gyno tomorrow just to see what they say! :) SO glad I joined this site.


Embracing the Light
Thanks for the suggestions! I will try all of that. I am seriously considering just cutting it all off and starting over. I have never tried wigs before but I'm considering it. I may post a whole new thread for this, but do they make wigs that will look like my real hair? I am wondering...

Also I have heard of coffee oil, do you think it works?

Do Not Cut Your Hair!!! Just do a lot of protective styles, keep your moisture high, and your manipulation low...your hair will grow back, and you won't have to start from scratch the way I did. You just have to build back up your density.


New Member
Thanks everyone! I put some garlic oil on my scalp last night and had very little shedding this morning. I don't know if it's possible to work so fast but maybe it did!


Well-Known Member
I had it.. Nothing I did externally to my hair worked... It was all internal, so with that said you definitely talk with your dermatologist to see if test can be ran.. My daughter is 2 turning 3 at the end of this year, my hair is growing but not to its potential as before.


New Member
From the look of things, I'll be needing a hairline transplant lol! You better believe that I will be using my two beautiful kids' hair as hair donors. Shooooooooooot....