Pray for my son


New Member
Everyone i am just asking that you lift my son up in prayer. He is 2 years old and i have to take him to get tested for diabetes. It runs heavily in my family and my husband's but neither of us have it. He is showing many of the symptoms and I don't want him to have to get the shots and things. Please pray for him. thanks in advance.
Good Day my Sister,

I lift up your son to God that he is healthy and according to the Word of God, that by the stripes of Jesus that he is healed, no matter what it looks like or what the doctors says. It comes down to whose report are you going to believe, have faith my dear. I declare in the name of Jesus that sickness can not come near your dwelling I further declare that in the name of Jesus that health abide in your home and that all generational curses pertaining to diabetes are broken in the name of Jesus Christ. I touch and agree with you that it is well, remember the Shunammite Woman and her son?
How easy it is to lovingly pray for your son. And just praise God that's it's already done. In Jesus' name..."Amen.."

He's a handsome fella'...your little one. ;) And he's covered in the powerful precious blood of Jesus...

Love, Shimmie...:)