Prayer Against Obesity


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Prayer Against Obesity

There continually seems to be new warnings about the health risks associated with obesity and yet, we still seem to be losing the battle. In theory (barring any medical conditions) weight loss should be simple: eat less, move more, but I’m convinced that a larger problem with obesity is the spiritual battle raging in our flesh. I mentioned this in a previous post, Spiritual Side of Weight Loss.

The battle of obesity is killing us, slowly, but surely. Currently, I have at least three close family members whose health is adversely affected by weight: My cousin: she is a young woman who suffered a stroke in her 30’s. She has made a good recovery physically, but she is still in danger spiritually. She is morbidly obese and due to several disappointing life events, I believe she has given up on herself. My mother: she is overweight and suffers from high blood pressure. Her doctors have prescribed such a high dosage of medication, that it began causing other health issues. My mother-in-law: recently, she has begun getting out breath performing simple tasks that she used to do effortlessly. In each of the above examples, the individuals know they are unhealthy and need to lose the weight. My mother and mother-in-law frequently tell me: “I know I need to lose the weight and I’m gonna do it. In their hearts, I know they truly have the “want-to,” but what I’m coming to realize is that even with their best intentions, they do not have the power (by themselves) to win this battle of the flesh. Only the power of Jesus can do that. So with all that said, I am asking God to give me a heart of compassion and prayer for my family, friends and anyone else struggling in this battle of obesity.