Question about hair growth cycles

Sui Topi

New Member
So I was just pondering this and I have a question.

If all of the hairs on our heads are in their own phase of the growth cycle, how come when we like relax or color our hair, we get new growth all over? I'm imagining someone who lifted their hair to a blonde when they are naturally a dark color, looking at their roots, you don't see like 30 strands that are still blonde to the roots because they are in the resting phase and didn't grow out yet, then a bunch which grew so the roots are showing, etc. How does that work?
At any one time 90% of your hair strands are in the anagen phase where they are growing continuously. And the 10% in resting or shedding phase are not concentrated in one place where you would be able to spot them. They are intermingled throughout your head with the growing strands. So the majority which are growing can easily camouflage them.
At any one time 90% of your hair strands are in the anagen phase where they are growing continuously. And the 10% in resting or shedding phase are not concentrated in one place where you would be able to spot them. They are intermingled throughout your head with the growing strands. So the majority which are growing can easily camouflage them.

Just to add, there are thousands of hairs on your head. Unless you go through your scalp strand by strand, you're not going to notice 30 hairs that didn't grow.
Oh I didn't realize it was such a large percentage of hair on the same schedule. I thought they were all doing their own random things. Thanks guys!