

New Member
So I'm trying desperately to stretch my relaxer (I am at about 8 weeks right now, so anything after the 15th is the real stretch). The other day my pjism got the best of me while at Whole Foods and I broke down and got Giovanni Leave In, after reading all the posts here about it.

I have also been trying to wash my hair with shampoo only once a week (the other washes are con washes)

I last washed my hair on Sunday. I have been applying a leave in and wrapping overnight. Last night, I did not wrap, since I was sleeping on a satin pillowcase and intended to oil my ends and bun it up for work/school the next day. Well, I woke up with the ITCHIEST scalp ever this morning! I don't know what it was, and my scalp didn't feel dirty or greasy, in fact, it felt dry and tight.

I dont' know what this could be. I had to wash this morning it itched so badly.

Does anyone know what couild have caused this? Could it be the Giovanni? (I used it again today.) Could it be the dry weather? I'm at a loss here!

I am going to make a light oil concoction with lavender, vanilla (my two favorite scents) with a light carrier oil and oil my scalp a bit each night to see if this helps. Can anyone suggest a very light carrier oil? I have Shea butter oil, avocado oil, jojoba oil, and olive oil. All of them are a bit heavy for what I want.

Thank you, "My Experts"!
How long have you been on your current washing schedule? If this is a recent routine, your scalp may still be adjusting to it.

Does your *hair* feel any different, or is it just your scalp?

Are you applying leave-in each night or only after you wash? I'm not sure Giovanni was meant to be a moisturizer-type product. It might be too much for your scalp to be used that way.

Jojoba is actually pretty light as far as oils go. It's commonly used as a carrier oil. Grapeseed oil and sweet almond oil I know are also used as carrier oils. I don't have any experience with them personally, though.
Hi BC,
Well, the rest of my hair feels the same. I've been using Cantu Shea Soft leave in before I wrap at night. I did buy some grapeseed and sweet almond oil (at your suggestion) and it did good stuff for my ends...not so much for my itch scalp.
I actually meant that the only new product was the Giovanni, but I used that after I washed.

Still itchy. Does anyone else think it's that the relaxer is overdue? I'm also shedding alot...
You may may feeling that way due to the change in weather. If you are indeed in an area with cold dry winters. I hope that you can figure out the culprit.
Maybe you could try only putting the leave-in on your length instead of your scalp. I've found that leave-ins make my scalp itchy so I oil my scalp with WGO or jojoba oil frist and then follow with the leave-in and it keeps the itchies away.

Mil Gracias, Ladies.
I used the Giovanni (which I really like) and the kept it off my scalp.

I did, however, break down and relax again..sigh...

Well, the idea of streching my relaxer didn't go so well, but I am going to try to con wash only for a bit and no heat at all to make up for any chemical damage.

PS: Scalp is no longer itchy...go figure!
