Quick Q: doing crochets in 10 mins


Well-Known Member
Hi I'm about to do crochet extensions in my hair. I have two diff colors and trying to figure out the best way to mix them. My hair is in beehive cornrows btw. Okay every other piece I put in should I alternate the color? Or do one row one color then on the next row do the other color and alternate like that. Any other suggestions? Thanks!
Do you have the same amount of hair in both colors, if so do piece by piece.
Row by row will give you that piano look, if thats what you want then go for that too.
Yes they're the same. The look I'm going for is...for it to look like one color with highlights throughout if that makes sense kinda hard to explain. I just want it to be well blended.
I see you said its braided in a beehive so alternating is the best cause you dont have more of one color so it wont look like highlights cause the color is equal in amount.
What colors do you have?
Im sorry hun, how did it come out?
It should have been fine with the colors you done, I was thinking that it was like blond and blk or something. You had a solid and then a mixed with the same color so you were good....Any pics?