Red Palm Butter


Active Member
How are you all using red palm butter? I've only used it once and that was during a pre-conditioning treatment and that worked out great, however, I like it so much I'd like to use it more.

Any suggestions?:grin:
I use mine to pre-poo as well, and add some EVOO to it. I use it too help detangle too. I also use it as a sealant for my baggy and for oiling/moisterizing my hair for braiding. I love this stuff.:lick:
I have used the Red Palm Cream that Seraca makes and it's the bomb! I use it after my leave in.
I'm not shampooing but I use mine like a pre-poo or in my case a pre-rinse. I also add a small amount to shea butter.
Thanks Tee. :) I mix mine with a bunch of other butters, oils, and protein and use it as a sealer/moisturizer.

I also use it plain as a pre-rinse like deme
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For the ladies using it as a sealant and not rinsing, did you have any issues with residue? I tried to use mine as one and it left a reddish tinge to my hair, I had to re-wash.