Regimen question - In what order?


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to nail down a regimen, and I'm wondering how you ladies order the different steps on your wash days.

I've been doing DC > shampoo > condition > ACV rinse > leave in > moisturizer

I've seen that some people DC at the end though, or pre-poo then DC later, then when you add in protein treatments, oil rinses, etc. I just get lost. :perplexed

Could you share the order you use, and why (if you've found doing it a certain way is more beneficial than others)

Thanks a bunch!
Here's my reggie but you will have to experiment to see what works best for you:yep:.

CW>DC>ACV rinse or Roux PC> lv in>seal>PS
That's my reggie in a nutshell.
I rarely poo if I do it comes before the CW step. Sometimes my DC is my CW. When I need protein or a reconstructor that comes before the DC and after pooing. I don't really prepoo. I tried it but haven't found anything that gave me the same sort of results the ladies here expressed :ohwell: I hope my answers didn't give you more questions than answers:giggle:
I usually do DC>shampoo>quick condition>leaveins>moisturize>seal

The reason i dc on dry hair (well technically lightly dampened with plain water) is because I find that my hair gets a better it soaks up the DC more. The second quick condition (usually with a cheap condish) is to help detangle.
It's truly up to you! You can experiment with the different order and see what's best. Everyone has different preferences. For example, dry dcing saves time hopping in and out of the shower and can eliminate the need for a prepoo, but does it really help you hair? Do you really need an acv rinse, not everyone does? Etc. What's best for you?
I dont think I can DC before a shampoo. I have to deep condition on washed hair because I cant really process how my strands can be conditioned without washing off the weeks product from moisturizing and sealing. I can kinda understand doing a pre-poo with conditioner for a few minutes before shampooing then DCing.
I dont think I can DC before a shampoo. I have to deep condition on washed hair because I cant really process how my strands can be conditioned without washing off the weeks product from moisturizing and sealing. I can kinda understand doing a pre-poo with conditioner for a few minutes before shampooing then DCing.

I can't really process how the conditioner can be fully absorbed in a hair shaft that is already filled with water. different strokes...
My pre poo has become my dry DC so my order is:
dampen hair with aloe vera gel > reconstructor>DC condish>oils (plastic cap)>clarifying poo (roots)>moisture poo (hair)>condish>cold ACV rinse>Leave-ins (Water with SAA and lavender oil (roots/scalp), liquid leave-in.cream leave in, oils (when nearly air dried)).
This has given me very good results:grin:
OP, if I used to use a leave in, I'd do it your way if my DC is AO GPB.

I tend to follow directions on the products I use. AO GPB does say to apply to your hair before you shampoo so that's what I do. It then says to follow the shampoo with a conditioner (I usually think moisturizing here). The ACV I throw at the end is something I picked up and that made sense so I do that. Then if I'm using S Curl (I do this if wearing my hair out), I would use it next. And if I used to seal, it would be my ends only coz I hate product on me or my hair and like you, that'd be the last step.

When using Emergencee, I shampoo twice! Again, this is because the directions on this DC say to do so. So I Shampoo>DC>shampoo>condition (moisturizing)>ACV....

TBH, no one can tell you the "correct" order if you're not following what's recommended. You do have to try out different ways to see which one works best for you. Like some people will use ACV before conditioner...because that is what works best for me. I don't because I'm happy with the way I do it and it makes the most sense *to me*.
Thanks for the feedback ladies!

I do the ACV rinse because I'm trying out the Chagrin Valley poo bars and she recommends it. I do like them so far. I was surprised at how nicely they lather. :lick:

I think I'll try doing the DC after shampooing just to see how I like it. I've never done it that way before. I also want to try oil rinsing. I'd love to hear some more responses though. :yep: