Rollerset + Exercise (How to Maintain)


New Member
As many of you might know, I wear my hair chemical-free and it is 4a/b in texture. Lately, I have been blowdrying my hair and experimenting with rollerset because I want to enjoy my hair's length and thickness. However, one problem I have is that I want to start an exercise regimen and still wear my hair in rollersets. I am worried it will be an exercise in futility because sweat can make hair shrink and the curls fall out. I do not want to have to rollerset after each exercise session because I would like to minimize manipulation.

Can anyone please suggest ways to make my rollersets last while still being able to exercise? Are there certain products I should use? Certain techniques I can learn? Thank you all in advance.


New Member
Do you exercise at home? i exercise at home because I can't afford the gym. I either execise first thing in the morning or right before bed. I rollerset my hair every night before I go to bed. If I exercise in the morning, I don't take the rollers out until after I have exercised and showered and I use a cool blowdryer to run through my scalp before I take the rollers out in case my scalp has gotten sweaty. If I exercise at night, I rollerset my hair before I exercise (if I exercise at night it is usually just the WATP DVD so it's no big deal to have rollers in).


Well-Known Member
OOOOOHh, can I see some pix of your long and natural rollerset results please sonce?