search gone


Well-Known Member
where is the search button. I use to the search button to find my old threads and various topics. Can't find the search button. and games don't work.
I started a thread about this in off topic and was told that the at the top of a thread that you are reading where you see seach this thread you can click on that and go to advance you can search the board.

Poohbear - Under the Discussion Forum, there is a box on the right at the top that says "Search This Thread" and if you click on this button, there is an option for "Advanced Search" --- Try this and see if it works. :)

I liked the old option where "Search" was available and you didn't have to hunt around for it!

I had this same question a couple of weeks ago. Who can we ask to get the search button moved back to up on top, and Inside the thread?

Any mods read this??
thank you for bringing this up, i will ask nikos to put it back in the old spot as well. bev