

New Member
A Search Mini-Tutorial

*Mods plz make this a sticky if you think that this is useful. Thx*

Okay. Most of us know that the LHCF search function works when it wants to. So, we have to turn to other search resources. This thread is for newbies and not so newbies and people who just want more resources.

Search engines:
A search engine is a website that one visits and inputs a word or phrase to look for and the site will give them results in the form of websites.

Users will get the broadest results which means thousands of sites. To narrow results, use Boolean symbols OR use the search engines Advanced function to narrow results and weed out unwanted info.
Meta crawlers:
This is a search engine that searches multiple search engines to get your results.
A method of narrowing a search. It uses an algorithm to get your results.

This will show you how to use it and how it works:
This PDF file will also list which search engines use Boolean and how to use the function:
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