Silly Vitamin Question


New Member
Whats the difference between regular multivitamins and the hair skin and nails vitamins? i decided to check out the vitamin section while i was waiting in walgreens and I notice that a lot of the stuff that was in the hair skin and nail vitamins was already in my adult multivitamins- actually in a greater amount. Why does everyone take so many extra vitamins when you can just buy a regular supplement and get everything you need (like the B's, C's, E's, ect.)? I'm not attacking anyone
, im just curious. And what do amino acids do and what are the names for them?
Your right about that, but I find that the hair vits. have more things like vit b complexes, biotin, flaxseed oil. etc. espc. biotin. a reg multivit will only have about 50mcg's of biotin (very good at bosting hair growth) but a hair supplement will have about 2000mcgs.

Try looking for the hair supplements instead of ones made of hair, skin, an nail.. the all do the same thing but the ones designed for hair have more biotin.
Oh ok..ive never seen a vitamin for just hair. With my multivit, it has all the B's like 1000% of thiamin and 800% for riboflavin, etc, but only 7% for biotin. so i take 2 300 mcgs of biotin which is 200% according to the bottle. Is that ok? I feel so clueless dumb asking these questions
Generally, multivitamins have everything in them you need for general health. They have more vitamins and minerals than most hair, skin and nails vitamins. The H.S.N. vitamins usually just have vitamins and minerals and/or herbs etc. that benefit hair specifically, but they have those vitamins in greater quantities.

If you go into a health food store or on a website that lists the ingredients, you can actually see the difference by reading the labels.
