So discouraged right now.


New Member
I washed and DC'd earlier and tried to rollerset my hair.

I realized that a.)I still really -really- suck at it and while I was sectioning my hair I found places in my head where it's so broken. I'm so upset. There are patches where it seems like I am not retaining any growth at all and I just don't know what to do.

I am so ready to just give up and cut it all and wear a pixie cut forever.

I try to put my hair up when I sleep, making sure not to do it in the same place all the time. I try to wrap my hair at night but I sleep so wild I have yet to find a wrap that stays on all night or doesn't give me a migraine.

I can't style my hair at all except for a phony pony or crappy bun.

I just want to cry right now I've spent so much time and money trying to get my hair healthy it just seems like it's for nothing and I should stop while I'm behind. :( :wallbash:
I'm a wild sleeper too... I've found that a satin pillowcase works wonders (i found mine at big lots for two bucks.) Don't give up... It might not be what you put on your hair but a nutritional issue. Do you take vitamins? How's your diet? Hang in there *hugs*
Awww don't be discouraged! We all have hair drama, and I found this site because of "issues" I was having with my own hair. With a little babying and TLC on those damaged areas, it'll start thriving in no time.

ITA with ILuvsmuhgrass about the nutrition part. You need to be healthy on the inside as well. Drink lots of water, and take a multi. It'll get better!
That's what so discouraging. My diet is good, I take good vitamins I drink a ton of water. I exercise. I have a satin pillowcase but it's not helping.

I've been thinking about braids for awhile but I can't afford them. I might go back to wearing wigs at this point.
That's what so discouraging. My diet is good, I take good vitamins I drink a ton of water. I exercise. I have a satin pillowcase but it's not helping.

I've been thinking about braids for awhile but I can't afford them. I might go back to wearing wigs at this point.

I agree with the other ladies. We've all had our share of hair drama. :yep: C&G is a good way to take 5. Have you ever tried braiding your own hair? It's time consuming but cheap.
I've been trying to learn to braid my own hair for about two years and just can't get the hang of it. I practice 2-3 times a week. I can hardly plait and can't cornrow to save my life.

I've even been trying your twist tutorial.

Thanks for the support ladies. I'm having a day.
You'll get better. Don't give up.

I found this site when my hair was broken and damaged.
My hair is better now, but I still have issues with it.

Try Biotin (make sure to take a multi vitamin and Super B complex because you will have skin problems) AND Boundless Tresses. These have both worked for me. Puritan Pride Biotin is great.

Castor oil for moisture and thickness

Condition wash, condition wash, condition wash!!

Eliminate heat.

Be patient with yourself. It takes time.

I sucked at a wetset and I remember posting on the site saying that I was throwing in the towel. Keep at it. God really helped me with this. I tried magnetic rollers and different products. I got better. Then I found mesh rollers and its been great ever since.

I also do bantu knots and use the soft rollers for a curly curl.
Just wanted to send a :hug2: sorry you are discouraged right now. I'm sure it will get better, you sound as though you are doing all the right things as far as diet, water, exercise. Don't give up!
I believe you're on the right track with your rollersets. How are you detangling? Hair is extremely fragile while it's wet. Also, what type of products are you using? I personally believe that less is better. Have you noticed whether your hair is too dry? For me, dryness is what causes breakage. I prepoo with olive oil before every wash.

Don't give up! Before you know it, you're hair will be thriving. When you need some inspiration, you know we're all here to help you.
Hugs to you:sad:. Like the other ladies here stated--don't be discouraged. Just keep loving your hair tenderly. It takes a lot of work no matter what condition your hair is in. I think we all encounter set backs at some point. It's just like weight or any other issue....sometimes you reach a plateau and that means you have to change your routine usually. If what you are doing is not working you may need to assess what you are doing (Keep a journal..that REALLY does help you figure out where you are going wrong..what products are or are not working...etc) and make changes if necessary. Also, sometimes you aren't doing anything wrong. You hair just has a mind of it's own for whatever reason. Just keep at it no matter what eventually you will see the pay off.
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My hair is prone to dryness so I've been prepooing with a mix of cholesterol and oils.

I switched from Elasta QP mango butter to the profectiv break free and mega growth depending on how my hair feels. THey don't make my hair shine like the mango butter but it's been soft, not greasy and my split ends are gone.

I detangle really gently I learned about that the hard way. First I seperate my hair into two section. Front and back. Then I use my fingers gently in my NG in the back because the curl pattern is the tightest there and then I use my big wide tooth comb, after a majority of the tangles are out I use a little break free on my NG mainly and let it sit for a few minutes then finish detangling and make a tiny bun.

I do the same with the top of my hair. Or I split the top into two sections detangle and bun those.

I have used heat literally 3 times in the last year.

I used to take biotin but it makes my skin break out something terrible.

As for products I keep it pretty simple. 2X a month I use a diluted clarifying poo. The rest of the time I no poo and CO wash with either V05 con or if my scalp is a little flaky a tea tree con.

I am out from under the dryer now and feel a little better.

I think I am going to give up the dryer for now except for when I DC. Hot air makes my hair enormous.

I got my hair moisturized and it still feels good. I kind of think the parts that aren't retaining might be because I tried wet bunning/baggying last week. I think my hair really doesn't like that. No more going to bed with wet hair.

I'm going to make myself another sock bun and make my boyfriend go buy me green tea ice cream to make me feel better.

Thanks again ladies.
I've been trying to learn to braid my own hair for about two years and just can't get the hang of it. I practice 2-3 times a week. I can hardly plait and can't cornrow to save my life.

I've even been trying your twist tutorial.

Thanks for the support ladies. I'm having a day.

Twists are much easier than braids. Sometimes you just have to go for it and decided you're going to do them one day. Start in the back, you'll be pretty good at it by the time you reach the front (where people can see).

I'm sorry you're having a day. :(
Give yourself permission to be down today, :bighug: but get back on it tomorrow.:cowgirl:

Oh one more thing... my hair is prone to dryness too and this sounds too simple to do any good but it works every time for me (hard water and all).

dilute your poo--add a capful of poo to about 16oz of water and use that to cleanse your hair.
after poo'g saturate your hair in oil (doesn't matter which)
rinse with warm water
apply your conditioner
style as usual
Don't give up...we all go through these times. :nuts: I don't really have any advice, but I wish you good luck in whatever you decide to do.
I feel you 100%. I'm going through a thing trying to get healthy hair. The funny part is, after all of that discouragement, there's nothing to do but keep at it. Because every head of hair is different, it's a huge matter of trial and error. Being a college student, my funds are very limited, so I don't have the luxury of going out and buying the entire KeraCare line or going to the salon bi-weekly. So, I'm working with what I have. Sometimes the difference between styling success or product success is one tweak away. A lot of the ladies on the forum said ORS shampoo had a big amount of sulfate and that I should consider switching. I diluted the shampoo with EVOO and used a small amount. Afterwards my hair came out really soft, and I followed up with a moisturizing conditioner. Stay encouraged :) God bless with your hair endeavors!
I washed and DC'd earlier and tried to rollerset my hair.

I realized that a.)I still really -really- suck at it and while I was sectioning my hair I found places in my head where it's so broken. I'm so upset. There are patches where it seems like I am not retaining any growth at all and I just don't know what to do.

I am so ready to just give up and cut it all and wear a pixie cut forever.

I try to put my hair up when I sleep, making sure not to do it in the same place all the time. I try to wrap my hair at night but I sleep so wild I have yet to find a wrap that stays on all night or doesn't give me a migraine.

I can't style my hair at all except for a phony pony or crappy bun.

I just want to cry right now I've spent so much time and money trying to get my hair healthy it just seems like it's for nothing and I should stop while I'm behind. :( :wallbash:

Girl I kno how u feel: if I tie my scarf too tight: i'll get that dent in my forehead and dents on my hair: but if i tie it too loose: it'll come off wen I sleep:
my rollersets wen i'm 6 weeks+ post: fustrates me: i feel like my hair doesn't wanna coorperate and stay untangled and manageble: i be 2 secs away from rippin my hair out to relieve my fustration: then I tell myself: its gonna take time to get it right and that maybe i need 2 change the way I rollerset: whatever troubles u have w/ ur rollersets: try 2 see wat different way u can do to make it better: i can't style my hair either: but cuz i've been getting better at rolleresettin: i'm able to have a better wrap: so hang in there
Co-signing with everyone that this too shall pass. Lord knows I've had my bad hair blues. My solution, go into "protective mode" and stop manipulating/handling hair until I figure something out. Usually, braids, or buns, updos. Just hang in there, its always darkest right before dawn. With all these suggestions, you'll figure something out. . .
dilute your poo--add a capful of poo to about 16oz of water and use that to cleanse your hair.
after poo'g saturate your hair in oil (doesn't matter which)
rinse with warm water
apply your conditioner
style as usual
Great tip, sareca! I usually pre-wash with oils, but I'm going to try changing the order in which I do this so I can overcome dryness once and for all.
Thanks so much everyone. I've had a rough week but I'm doing better. My boyfriend went and bought me a jar of Sunsilk Hydra mask and it is helping a lot.

I also found I have a bottle of that Aphogee treatment that turns hard when you blow dry it. I washed too late to use it but I'm not freaking out anymore.

You guys are the best.
Thanks so much everyone. I've had a rough week but I'm doing better. My boyfriend went and bought me a jar of Sunsilk Hydra mask and it is helping a lot.

I also found I have a bottle of that Aphogee treatment that turns hard when you blow dry it. I washed too late to use it but I'm not freaking out anymore.

You guys are the best.

Glad to know your feeling better!
Are braids an option for you. Extensions may help you get over the hump. It's a great way to retain length when cared for properly if they are not too tight and too small :)
We've all been there don't be discouraged everything will be okay, keep your hair moisturized and keep your hair in a low manipulation style to give it some rest... Remember less is best and I hope everything works out:yawn: