So, I went to the Detroit Revival w/ Bishop Pate!


New Member
I must say, I was wrong about him you guys. Yeah, he does act a little weird but I think that is do to his life experiences with God. Who knows how a truly close relationship with God will make you act.

Anyway, I put the names of my aunt and uncle in the basket. I was praying for my aunt for months now, since last year. My UIL, I was praying for about 1.5 weeks like Bishop Pate asked and wrote their names down. Well, after I put the names in the basket, Bishop Pate prayed for them too and guess what, a miracle happened. My aunt and uncle haven't been to church in years but they went this Sunday and had a great time. My granny said my uncle was getting up and clapping and praising God. He said he felt this overwhelming sense of love all throughout his heart and he couldn't contain it. It was the power of God. My aunt was just holding her hands up and that is how I felt when a prophetess came to my church. The spirit of God was verrrrry powerful, you couldn't help but praise God.

I am going to get some of that oil too!