Sometimes I feel sorry for the naturally curly white children


Well-Known Member
Today I just saw a white blond hair girl with around 3a hair. :nono: Like this but blond and really frizzy.


I bit my lip as her mom led her and her new baby, with decidedly straighter hair past me. It was a short frizzy mess. I have no idea what she put on it to make it lay down like that, but it's not helping. At least with biraccials, there are BW around to give you advice. But in this case, I can't approach this woman and tell her about shampoos and conditioners that would help her out. Or at the very least hairstyles that would look much better than the mess she had.

Eventually they get older, naturally curly non-black women find the black hair care product aisle I think it's miraculous. I've been approached by at least 4 woman about this revalation. But it's strange. Naturally curlies non blacks happen at lot. Why aren't there more products for their hair?
There are resources and products for them. I know that is a great website catering to all curlies. :grin:

But I do understand that you wanted to say something but couldn't. I definitely know the feeling.
I seriously doubt this mom knows about it. Her girl looks about 6, but from the look of her damage and frizzies I say she doesn't really know what to do. Especially now that she's got another one.
...I think that has less to do with her being white and more with her mom just not being able to handle curly hair. You always struggle with textures you're not familiar with, I don't know what to do with curly hair either and I'm black through and through, lol. (I'm relaxed but I do draw some distinction between my natural texture and the one you're describing)

I'm sure in time the mom will figure it out, and if not hopefully her daughter eventually will.
I too have extremely coily (relaxed hair). If I had a daughter, and had to deal with curls instead of coils, I at least would know where to start. However ww have no reference or jumping off point. I see them all the time in NYC. Straight, Blond mommy, and then you look down and that hair is all over that child's head. All dry and frizzy. Hair ain't never seen a moisturizer. Come on yall.

No it's not every mixed child. You do see some with moisturized locks, but that after they've spent the week at grandma's.
I have a friend that relaxed her hair for years, and went natural a couple of years ago. She used to used optimum relaxer, I think. She's white and has 3b-3c hair. I told her about and, and she was thrilled to have a place to find hair techniques.
I used to be asked alot about if I had tips from parents of white curlies.

My answer (back then) was:


Now I just fill them in on the value of a good, non-alcholic conditioner och the no-brushing-when-dry rule.