Soul Searching


The Credit Countess
I have done alot of searching in the last 2 week and I have realized that I have become a "giveme" Christian. I realize that even though I am serving God become He is God I had an another motive. I was speaking one thing but doing another. I was saying that no matter if God didn't give me one more thing I would still serve him but at the same time accepting God to give me all of my hearts desire. I had became a "giveme" Christian. Now I know that if I am doing what God has called me to do he wil bless me, however, I started to feel like that was the only reason I was serving the Father.

So last night I decided not to ask for anything from the Lord for atleast a month. Now I will be praying for Him to bless others, to help me be the wife/daughter/servant/mother that he has called me to be but as for asking him for financial blessings and such I'm not.

Now there is nothing wrong with asking but when you get to the point that you are disappointed because God is not giving you want you want and you start to lose your focus on God and not material things it is time to step back and start the love affair with God that you had went you first heard him call your name. The time when you were still doing your dirt and you realized that God love you no matter what you are/have done in your life. There are blessing to be had but I have to build my relationship with the Father right first.

I can thank my dh for this moment of realization. He has been teaching on Matthew 6 in Bible study and he didin't know why, but I know why. I needed to see that I have to do right because it is right, not because of what God will do for me.

Get that mirror from in front of my face!!! No just kidding. But seriously though, I am trying to get closer to God and once I read this thread, I could see myself in it. Thank you for helping me see the error in my ways.

Also, congrats in you efforts to pray for others for a month as oppossed to yourself. That is very commendable and what a way to get closer to God. May God bless you on your journey...
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