Split ends


Well-Known Member
I got a half inch trim last week and I am seeing split ends. What could it be from? Should I go get it trimmed again? Suggestions please. Since I.trimmed my hair I washed and deep conditioned it on Tuesday and blow dried it. Before that I had been bagging my ends

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It depends on how long you'd gone w/o trimming before you started baggying your ends. If extensive damage had already happened to them, then the trim didn't get rid of it all which explains why they are still splitting. Also do you seal your ends with a heavy product to protect? Do you ever wear your hair down?

Maybe this post will answer your question: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showpost.php?p=12907371&postcount=2
The last time I got a professional trim was last April. I always wear my hair down or in a braid out. When I baggy I use an oil to real. Thanks for the link I will check it out

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The last time I got a professional trim was last April. I always wear my hair down or in a braid out. When I baggy I use an oil to real. Thanks for the link I will check it out

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Well, wearing your hair down will kill your ends. Trust me, I know. I wear mine down also in low manipulation dos like yours, and if I don't dust (trim a little) regularly--at least every 8 weeks--then my ends not only split, but they thin and break off...so that my hair appears to never grow.

People like Wanakee whose ends were thick and her hair long and gorgeous not only wore their ends tucked away but also sealed the ends with something heavy like Vaseline. On top of that, she still trimmed every 6-8 weeks. So if that's what SHE with gorgeous hair has to do, just think of how "careless" we who don't put our ends away or seal or trim must be with our hair. Perhaps there are many who can get away without being as anal as Wanakee...but maybe you and I are not that lucky.

Once hair gets to shoulders, its ends are now rubbing against your clothes in addition to being exposed to drying air, so it's a double whammy. Those ends endure so much trauma and going a year w/o trimming just means the damage travels up the strand. I think after APL ends seem to survive better coz they aren't hitting a wall (shoulders) but are lying parallel to your backs. I plan on keeping up my regular dusting and hopefully adopting protective styling as my hair gets long enough to bun without my eyebrows riding up into my hairline from me pulling my hair so hard to get it into a bun. :lachen:
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Thanks for this post. It makes a lot of sense. So I'm going.to go back and get another half inch trimmed off so I can start with fresh ends. Then i will start sealing with something a lil heavier then oil. And keep my trims up this time. I don't know about doing buns and stuff but we will see. Thank you so much!

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