Subtle Forms of Idolatry


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Anatomy of an Idol

By: Steve Gallagher

Before I expose the three great idols I have been forced to deal with in my life, it would probably be helpful if I first establish a working definition of idolatry. Webster’s Dictionary defines it as, “excessive devotion to or reverence for some person or thing.”

Spiritually speaking, this devotion to some object, activity or person is serious business because it takes the place of God in the person’s heart. The Apostle John concluded his first epistle with the sobering words: “…the whole world lies in the power of the evil one… Little children, guard yourselves from idols.” (I John 5:19-21) Paul told the Corinthian believers: “Do not be idolaters… flee from idolatry.” (I Corinthians 10:7, 14)

Just to bring home the gravity of this subject I should mention that in three separate passages (I Corinthians 6:9; Galatians 5:20; Ephesians 5:5) Paul included idolatry as one of the practices that precludes one from eternal life. “For this you know with certainty, that no… idolater has an inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.” (Ephesians 5:5) The Lord Himself named idolaters among those people who “…will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8)

The danger of idolatry is that it can be extremely subtle. As I mentioned, I have had to overcome three great idols in my life. It should go without saying that my obsession with sexual sin was an enormous idol. In one sense, despite its enormity, it was easier to deal with than the other two because it was an obvious sin issue. The other two were not so clear-cut.

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At one time or another, every person alive either has had idols of the heart. By its very nature idolatry is extremely deceptive. For most people, it is just subtle enough to allow them to avoid dealing with it.

One of the most comprehensive definitions of idolatry I have read came from an old Puritan preacher named David Clarkson. He wrote that soul idolatry is, “…when anything is more valued, more intended; anything more trusted, more loved, or our endeavors more for any other thing than God… That which we most highly value we make our god… That which we are most mindful of we make our god.”

What about you, dear one? Has the Lord been putting His finger on any idols in your heart? Are you a mother who loves your children more than Jesus? If you are, He says that you cannot be His disciple. (Luke 14:26) Are there forms of entertainment, hobbies or possessions that you feel as though you can’t live without? If there are, Scripture says that you do not love God. (I John 2:15) There are a multitude of idols which Satan is glad to provide for anyone interested.

Idolatry is extremely dangerous because it allows some object, activity or person to take the place of God in one’s heart. The Lord wants to set you free of these false loves so that He can have you to Himself. After all, that is what it means to love someone, isn’t it?
This may be silly...


when I was in High School I was obsessed with *N Sync. I talked about them ALL the time. I wrote letters to them almost daily, I bought their stuff. I would spend days trying to "convert" Backstreet Boys fans. Then one day I thought to myself, if only I had the same fervor and Love for God and the desire to spread his gospel like I do my love for *n sync.

So think about it, is there something you are spending energy that can be mirrored and exceeded in your spiritual endeavors?
very nice read

Satan is sooo mischevious (sp?)

and no viv it's not silly at all, it's wonderful u even thought or the parallel with faith and God
I had to email this out. As a teen I was consumed with Hip Hop..and not that corny stuff either. I had a highly refined taste for the 90's while most my age were caught up in 2000 plastic rap with no substance...even guys couldnt talk to me about hip hop. When I got pregnant with my son, I realized that there is no way I could be an example to him and try to tell him about the Lord while filling my ears with that stuff. I immediately erased my whole lifes work of collecting off my ipod (big deal!) and started to listen to more gospel and even acid jazz which I also have to be careful with. My husband who actually is 90s dream man is still struggling to let go. I was hoping when he saw my efforts to purge that from my life he would feel convicted to do the same, but no. I try to encourage him to let go also but according to him I'm acting like I'm better than him and yada yada. I hope when he reads this article it makes him analyze him self. I still have alot to work on because when he tells me news from the rap world, or reminisces about his 90s teen days I feel the pull to get back into it...and lets not talk about how many nights I spent laying in my bed mentally charting my hair growth :blush:. Sadly satan got to us 2 weeks ago and we spent majority of the sabbath discussing the downfall of prodigy and what a chump hes become. This past sabbath we started up again but I said to him "You know, the devil had us last weekend, I really dont want to give him another victory or any leeway into my heart"
Can LHCF be an idol? I mean I spend so much time on here....admittedly more time on here than I do worshiping God. ...and I can tell...I am not the only one :look:
LHCF is definatley one for me. I'm starting to be on auto pilot now, but when I first started, my hair was the number one thing on my mind.