Sulfur Overload......Is it Possible?


Well-Known Member
Hey Sistahs! I need you to put your scientific hats on today. My hair is giving me the blues right now and after several months of nothing but good results and progress, I could be headed for a major setback. I recently noticed my hair is breaking/snapping and it started in the midline of the top of my head and crown area. I have since noticed it all through my hair and have seen the little pieces falling. I haven't had this happen since I began my hair journey. I did have excessive shedding, but that was always long strands with bulbs on the end....this is definitely breakage. The first thing I thought was this has got to be the opposite of what I experienced the first time, which was excessive moisture from co-washing and over-conditioning. BUT I skipped my protein treatment that was due 3 weeks ago, so I don't see how I could have excessive protein. I henna once a month, and that has never been enough to take the place of my protein treatments every 6 weeks. All the signs and symptoms point to excess breaks easily and pops really loud when it breaks. When I take a strand of hair and pull on it, it breaks almost instantly without much tension at all. But the break is clean, no frayed ends. So now I'm wondering...the only thing new in my regimen is the addition of topical sulfur for growth. I have been applying it everyday for the past several weeks and just noticed this change within the past couple of weeks. So back to my original question.....with taking sulfur-containing supplements like biotin and MSM and applying topical sulfur, can you experience a sulfur overload???? And if so, what would be the effects on the hair?
Wow! that is a good question, But maybe for you that could be too much, Maybe you don't need to apply the Topical growth everyday, I apply mine like 2x's a week, and maybe you need to go back to your regular protein treatments, Have you been stressed lately? has your diet changed? what bout your moisturizing treatments? you haven't said nothing about those. maybe you need that extra moisture.
could it be the result of the topical sulphur treatment causing your newgrowth to grow in quicker? resulting in two differnt textures faster & increased potential for breaking? if the breakage is at the line of demarcation this could be the culprit. if it's further down the shaft, it sounds more like a lack of moisturization/dryness issue -- especially if you're hearing an audible snap with the breakage. hth
interesting question

when i first made my own MTG mixture, i was doing the C&g method and was applying the mixture everyday....

i did notice a build up of sulfur, which i got rid of by claryifying with ACV

.....just a thought......

i hope you find a solution :)
NappyParadise said:
Wow! that is a good question, But maybe for you that could be too much, Maybe you don't need to apply the Topical growth everyday, I apply mine like 2x's a week, and maybe you need to go back to your regular protein treatments, Have you been stressed lately? has your diet changed? what bout your moisturizing treatments? you haven't said nothing about those. maybe you need that extra moisture.

I think you are right...I've totally cut out the topical sulfur to see if I get a change. I hate that though because my new growth really took off and is much softer with the sulfur. But I'm wondering, if the hair is composed of sulfur, how much good will that do in stopping the breakage? Is there a way to rid the hair of sulfur, does it decrease in the composition of the hair when you stop using it, or is the damage done and irreversible?

As for my regimen, it's usually pretty tight. I write everything down in a calendar book, so I'm pretty anal about it. It just so happened that my henna day and protein day fell on the same day in my calendar....I opted to do the henna because my hair felt strong and no where close to mushy or overly conditioned. I did do the Aphogee last Sat. (2 weeks late), by then the breakage really had caught my attention. As for diet, it has not changed, which I can definitely say is not really a good thing.:grin: And I always deep condition at least once a week with DPR-11, raw honey, herb mixture, a squirt of EMB, and whatever oil I'm in the mood for. Even though I would like to find a second really moisturizing conditioner, I do think I have that covered. This all leads me back to the sulfur issue.....Thanks girl! Great questions!;)
Great question. I just stopped applying my topical sulfur yesterday for fear of the same thing...breakage and shedding. I hope its not the culprit. boohooooooo:(
Here is the important question: Do you apply the topical sulfur to the hair shaft or to the scalp? If you apply sulfur to the hair shaft it can really dry it out, so that is to be avoided. Keep in mind that sulfur is what dries pimples out in some over the counter medications, so imagine what it could do to the hair shaft...

Lavendar said:
I think you are right...I've totally cut out the topical sulfur to see if I get a change. I hate that though because my new growth really took off and is much softer with the sulfur. But I'm wondering, if the hair is composed of sulfur, how much good will that do in stopping the breakage? Is there a way to rid the hair of sulfur, does it decrease in the composition of the hair when you stop using it, or is the damage done and irreversible?

As for my regimen, it's usually pretty tight. I write everything down in a calendar book, so I'm pretty anal about it. It just so happened that my henna day and protein day fell on the same day in my calendar....I opted to do the henna because my hair felt strong and no where close to mushy or overly conditioned. I did do the Aphogee last Sat. (2 weeks late), by then the breakage really had caught my attention. As for diet, it has not changed, which I can definitely say is not really a good thing.:grin: And I always deep condition at least once a week with DPR-11, raw honey, herb mixture, a squirt of EMB, and whatever oil I'm in the mood for. Even though I would like to find a second really moisturizing conditioner, I do think I have that covered. This all leads me back to the sulfur issue.....Thanks girl! Great questions!;)
I'm so glad you made this topic. My hair has been doing the same thing. If I would have posted this topic, it would be identical and I too started using a sulfur mix and I take Biotin. I think I will cut our the sulfur mix and see if the breaking stops. I will keep you posted okay.
rondie54 said:
Here is the important question: Do you apply the topical sulfur to the hair shaft or to the scalp? If you apply sulfur to the hair shaft it can really dry it out, so that is to be avoided. Keep in mind that sulfur is what dries pimples out in some over the counter medications, so imagine what it could do to the hair shaft...


How can you apply anything to your scalp without getting it on your hair shaft? (Assuming hair shaft is the place where your scalp and hair meet)
One more question, for anyone..speaking of sulfur, I'm noticing a little buildup around certain parts in my scalp and my hair is in extentions, has anyone heard of using astringent (as in Sea Breeze)((<--do they even make that anymore?? )) to clean your scalp (pores) while it's in extentions? This might be a special case, but can I use it for sulfur build-up. I'd shampoo but I need something that will run through my scalp under my new growth. TIA!
tkj25 said:
could it be the result of the topical sulphur treatment causing your newgrowth to grow in quicker? resulting in two differnt textures faster & increased potential for breaking? if the breakage is at the line of demarcation this could be the culprit. if it's further down the shaft, it sounds more like a lack of moisturization/dryness issue -- especially if you're hearing an audible snap with the breakage. hth

Nope. Although my new growth increased, I am getting breakage in little itty bitty pieces, half way up the shaft and 3/4 the way up the shaft, but none affecting the demarcation line. I did consider that, but nope!:( The itty bitty pieces are driving me up the wall.:mad: It could be moisturization, but not because I'm not doing my conditioners and moisturizing nightly, cause I am....everything points me back to the sulfur mix cause that's what I was moisturizing my scalp with nightly. I use coconut oil for the length of my hair and Cantu BC on ends covered with coco oil, but I don't apply this every night like the sulfur. This is really boggling....but obviously the sulfur is really potent, especially used so often. Thanks!;)
rondie54 said:
Here is the important question: Do you apply the topical sulfur to the hair shaft or to the scalp? If you apply sulfur to the hair shaft it can really dry it out, so that is to be avoided. Keep in mind that sulfur is what dries pimples out in some over the counter medications, so imagine what it could do to the hair shaft...

I apply it to my fingers and massage into my scalp. I know that sulfur alone can dry out hair, but I assumed if it was mixed into oils that are known to counteract dryness that this made it much better for the hair. :confused: And of course, it has to get on parts of my hair as I'm applying to my scalp.:ohwell:
I'm experience the EXACT same thing as Lavender. Small broken pieces of different lengths, some very long some shorter than an inch and everything in between. I only apply a very small amount of the sulfur to my edges and nape and very little to other areas of my scalp.
alexstin said:
That's not good to hear. I just got my BT in the mail a few days ago.:perplexed

Well I certainly can't say anything bad about BT. I think it's great...the smell, the way it makes my hair grow, and the softness. There's no doubt in my mind that BT does what it promises. :)

Now if I have been using too much in my hair, which is extremely fine, then I take full responsibility for that. Lesson learned. Doesn't mean I wouldn't use it again...I probably will, just not every night. To be honest, I debated long and hard over bringing this topic up because I did not want to dissuade anyone from using BT, thus I have not referred to it specifically throughout this thread, but you forced my hand.:) That was my head talking. My heart told me to mention it because it could possibly keep someone from experiencing the same I did.
I was planning to do it every other night anyway. I don't think anyone will see it as a slam against BT.I only mentioned it as that's what I have. I think it's good to know because I'm sure it will help someone. The more info, the better!:)
Lavendar said:
Hey Sistahs! I need you to put your scientific hats on today. My hair is giving me the blues right now and after several months of nothing but good results and progress, I could be headed for a major setback. I recently noticed my hair is breaking/snapping and it started in the midline of the top of my head and crown area. I have since noticed it all through my hair and have seen the little pieces falling. I haven't had this happen since I began my hair journey. I did have excessive shedding, but that was always long strands with bulbs on the end....this is definitely breakage. The first thing I thought was this has got to be the opposite of what I experienced the first time, which was excessive moisture from co-washing and over-conditioning. BUT I skipped my protein treatment that was due 3 weeks ago, so I don't see how I could have excessive protein. I henna once a month, and that has never been enough to take the place of my protein treatments every 6 weeks. All the signs and symptoms point to excess breaks easily and pops really loud when it breaks. When I take a strand of hair and pull on it, it breaks almost instantly without much tension at all. But the break is clean, no frayed ends. So now I'm wondering...the only thing new in my regimen is the addition of topical sulfur for growth. I have been applying it everyday for the past several weeks and just noticed this change within the past couple of weeks. So back to my original question.....with taking sulfur-containing supplements like biotin and MSM and applying topical sulfur, can you experience a sulfur overload???? And if so, what would be the effects on the hair?

I too have been experiencing this and have been using the topical sulfur for growth as well. I haven't really seen much breakage but increased shedding in the same area mentioned in your post.
alexstin said:
I was planning to do it every other night anyway. I don't think anyone will see it as a slam against BT.I only mentioned it as that's what I have. I think it's good to know because I'm sure it will help someone. The more info, the better!:)

Someone like me. thanks ladies for the warning. My BT is in the mail as we speak. I had no idea that too much sulphur will cause breakage. Now I know to be extremely cautious while applying and apply only to the roots.

I had a similar experience. BT didn't increase my growth rate but it soothes my scalp like its nobodys business so I keep using it. I just decrease my application to just 2 times a week and make sure I concentrate it on my scalp only.
gymfreak336 said:
I had a similar experience. BT didn't increase my growth rate but it soothes my scalp like its nobodys business so I keep using it. I just decrease my application to just 2 times a week and make sure I concentrate it on my scalp only.

How long have you been using it??
BrownSkin2 said:
How long have you been using it??

Nearly two months. I still like it, don't get me wrong but I did get alot of shedding at first. That stopped after the first 3-4 weeks. When I use it now, I have to wash my hair soon after (within the next 1-2 days). My scalp can act out of control and the sulfur in the product is perfect for it. It also makes my newgrowth soft but I still see a couple of extra little pieces of hair break off. If I know I am going to wash my hair like lets say sunday then I will put on some tonight and tomorrow night and then wash sunday and wait till tuesday to start using it again
Hey ladies, I've been using BT for like 5 months and experienced some breakage. However I found out that the problem was I was putting the BT on BEFORE I moisturized my hair. The oil is the BT will seal out the moisture. What I did is immediately after my shower I would apply my leave ins and seal with oil on wet hair (Well not I just use ORS hair lotion which does both because I didn't want to do the extra step...I'm so lazy!:lol:), THEN I applied the BT. Problem solved. Oh also, since I workout hard everyday I also conditioner wash daily with Motions Moisture Plus after shampoo conditioner. I am experiencing breakage right now because I forgot to Aphogee after I relaxed my hair:eek: Anyways, I hope this helps you ladies!
Wanted to add, my breakage was also at the crown area but now it's growing in super thick! I'm only 4 weeks post and look at least 8:cool:
Ok last time I promise!:lol:

Another thing that helped me is I use a LOT less BT now and still get phenomenal results. Here's what I do. Even on Deep condition days I conditioner wash with Motions (I DC with the ORS pack). This gives my hair lots of slip. I detangle in the shower with a shower comb. I squeeze my hair and let it dry for about 5 minutes or so (this is never intentional, usally my kids mess something up while I'm in the shower and I gotta go beat 'em:lol:). I moisturize in 3 sections. Oh, I always wear a middlle part. My hair just falls that way. So anyway, I moisturize from tip to root on the right side. I tilt my head to the right so the hair hangs so it stays detangled. Then I do the same thing on the back. I put extra ORS on my crown area because it's always been breakage prone. Then I do the left side.

After that, here's how I apply my BT. First I put the nozzle directly against my scalp and lightly sqeeze some oil on my temples/edges. Then I do the front egde up by my widow's peak, and last my nape (because it was breaking recently because I forgot the aphogee, I focus on there to regrow it, and it's coming back THICK too!) Then starting at the part I follw the same patern I moisturized in. I just put the nozzle directly against the scalp and run it from the top down. Like if you had cornrows in going straight down from a middle part and you were running the nozzle down the parts. Takes me less than a minute to BT my entire head and I barely get any on my hair. I reach my hands under my hair onto my scalp and rub in and that's it. In the 5 months I've been doing it this way I've experience almost no breakage. I had a bit of shedding initially because BT pushed out the old hair and grew out the new hair. I wish I had a better camera so I could show you the new thick BT texture, versus my old abused no lye 4 inches I have left. Ok, that's enough from me!
Lavendar said:
I think you are right...I've totally cut out the topical sulfur to see if I get a change. I hate that though because my new growth really took off and is much softer with the sulfur. But I'm wondering, if the hair is composed of sulfur, how much good will that do in stopping the breakage? Is there a way to rid the hair of sulfur, does it decrease in the composition of the hair when you stop using it, or is the damage done and irreversible?

As for my regimen, it's usually pretty tight. I write everything down in a calendar book, so I'm pretty anal about it. It just so happened that my henna day and protein day fell on the same day in my calendar....I opted to do the henna because my hair felt strong and no where close to mushy or overly conditioned. I did do the Aphogee last Sat. (2 weeks late), by then the breakage really had caught my attention. As for diet, it has not changed, which I can definitely say is not really a good thing.:grin: And I always deep condition at least once a week with DPR-11, raw honey, herb mixture, a squirt of EMB, and whatever oil I'm in the mood for. Even though I would like to find a second really moisturizing conditioner, I do think I have that covered. This all leads me back to the sulfur issue.....Thanks girl! Great questions!;)

Topical sulfer can be very drying. I've been using MTG since Jan. After the first week, I noticed that my hair was drier than usual so I increased my moisture to 2x daily, and so far I'm not having any breakage. Although I do not take large amounts of MSM, there is some in the UNHair that I take. It might help if you use your moisturizing spritz more frequently. If you're using your topical daily, maybe switching to every other day will help. I would also try clarifying. HTH:)
kbragg said:
Ok last time I promise!:lol:

Please post as often as you feel, trust me I'm taking notes!!!

Last night I was ready to cry due to the shedding in that area, then I really started to freak out becuz I started wondering if it was permanent. How long would you say it took before the new growth kicked in? I speaking in particular of the hair in the crown area.

I also really think it's interesting that those that said they had breakage or alarming shedding has had it in the crown.

I'm all natural and use no heat so I know this shedding for me has nothing to do with permed or straightened hair verses new growth. It's all virgin hair.
I don't use any heat at all in my hair (too lazy:lol) so I knw what you're talking about. I think some of us just have an extra dry crown area. For some it's the nape. Mine has always been that way never growning longer than 3-4 inches. Wellwith the BY it was growing like made after less than 2 weeks but was extrememly dry. So now I just make sure to put double the moisturizer on that part of my hair and it's thriving now. The daily cowash helps too because my hair hardly ever has a chance to dry out.

My hair loves the motions products. HTH.
gymfreak336 said:
I had a similar experience. BT didn't increase my growth rate but it soothes my scalp like its nobodys business so I keep using it. I just decrease my application to just 2 times a week and make sure I concentrate it on my scalp only.

Thanks for sharing that.....very reassuring!;)
kbragg said:
Ok last time I promise!:lol:

Another thing that helped me is I use a LOT less BT now and still get phenomenal results. Here's what I do. Even on Deep condition days I conditioner wash with Motions (I DC with the ORS pack). This gives my hair lots of slip. I detangle in the shower with a shower comb. I squeeze my hair and let it dry for about 5 minutes or so (this is never intentional, usally my kids mess something up while I'm in the shower and I gotta go beat 'em:lol:). I moisturize in 3 sections. Oh, I always wear a middlle part. My hair just falls that way. So anyway, I moisturize from tip to root on the right side. I tilt my head to the right so the hair hangs so it stays detangled. Then I do the same thing on the back. I put extra ORS on my crown area because it's always been breakage prone. Then I do the left side.

After that, here's how I apply my BT. First I put the nozzle directly against my scalp and lightly sqeeze some oil on my temples/edges. Then I do the front egde up by my widow's peak, and last my nape (because it was breaking recently because I forgot the aphogee, I focus on there to regrow it, and it's coming back THICK too!) Then starting at the part I follw the same patern I moisturized in. I just put the nozzle directly against the scalp and run it from the top down. Like if you had cornrows in going straight down from a middle part and you were running the nozzle down the parts. Takes me less than a minute to BT my entire head and I barely get any on my hair. I reach my hands under my hair onto my scalp and rub in and that's it. In the 5 months I've been doing it this way I've experience almost no breakage. I had a bit of shedding initially because BT pushed out the old hair and grew out the new hair. I wish I had a better camera so I could show you the new thick BT texture, versus my old abused no lye 4 inches I have left. Ok, that's enough from me!

Kbragg, you are a breath of fresh air!:lol: Thank you, thank you! You have definitely helped me pinpoint my problem, cause I still wasn't 100% sure what was going on. I had been applying the sulfur mix to my freshly washed scalp, not taking care to keep it off the hair, and not moisturizing beforehand. Doing this every night, it's a wonder I still have some hair.:lol: Like you, I have had great growth with BT and a silkier, curlier texture too. I love it. This is really a significant've taught us all a great deal. Bless you!!!:rosebud: