Supplements, periods, and acne...why?


New Member
I am wondering if the supplements I am taking are causing acne and my periods to get all messed up. I had a period 2 weeks ago and got another one again, but I'm on the pill and it has been pretty regular until recently. I am also getting alot of acne on my chest and face. Is anyone else experiencing this. I have all my supplements listed in my signature, but the MSM and TL amino fuel I have not been taking very much of. Can someone give me some insight as to why this is happening?
I am no vitamin expert, but when I had taken MSM my face had broke out. The biotin also caused really heavy menstrual cycles. It may be those two supplements.
Thanks for the reply Ms Jadu. I also forgot to mention that the L-cysteine appears to give me heartburn. I have had it since 9:00 this morning and I still have's 11pm

Anyone have this before?
One possible explanation is that your system could just be adjusting or detoxing. Try upping your water intake if you haven't done so. HTH
I'd also take your vitamins to your Dr and make sure it's not rendering your birth control less or ineffective (condsider using a backup form of birth control). I'm taking PP Silica, PP Mega hair vitamins, PP Amino 1500, Equated Calcium Carbonate with vitamin D and Fish oil, and my skin has never looked better. But I drink at least a gallon of water a day. I've heard several people say that msm and/or biotin makes them break out and messes with their cycles, so I think they are the culprits.
I think it's the Biotin, I had to stop taking mine due to all the acne I was getting, and my period also went off track, I was taking 5mg.
It sounds like you need to increase your water intake.
Make sure you are drinking at least half your weight in ounces of water and then some each day. Biotin and MSM absolutely require that we increase our water intake, even if we already drink a lot of water.

If the Biotin is messing with your periods, it's always best in my opinion to eliminate it completely or decrease it perhaps to 1000 mg and see what happens. Everyone's body is different and some can't take large amounts of certain vitamins.

If you don't have high blood pressure, you may want to try a glass of water with 1/2 tsp of baking soda in it for your heartburn. It should get rid of it in about 5 minutes or so. The heartburn is telling you there is overacidity somewhere - you may want to check your diet and increase your veggies and water to make your body more alkaline.