Surprise Breakage??!?!?

Hi Ladies,

I just discovered unexpected breakage, and I've really felt like I've been taking top care of my hair.
I cut my hair into a short halle cut in July of 2007, and now it's just below my collar bone. My hair usually grows kinda slow, so I'm really happy with the growth and it seems like I've retained just about all of it.

I noticed about a month ago that I have very thin areas (starts out fine at the root and becomes very sparse at the ends) in both my temple areas and along the front. My routine is co-washing nightly and baggying it overnight, then slicking it back into a bun as my daily style. I'm relax every 10 weeks, and I flat iron my hair about 2 times every 10 weeks.

Could the wet bunning/ manipulating my hair while wet be the cause? And if it is the cause, why only in the front areas am I getting breakage? This is driving me crazy. I thought I was doing so well.

Pleeeeeeze help!
The co-washing every night may be the culprit. You have to remember that when the hair is wet, it is at its weakest point, so every night you are combing, and manipulating hair that is already at a weakened state, thus leading to breakage and thinning.

While I do not knock ladies that co-wash, you have to listen to your hair because it is not made for everyone. I do not co-was at all because while I have thick hair, it is very fragile when it is wet. I wash and DC once a week, and it has worked for me. Hope this helps.
It could be the slicking it back. That used to keep my front and right behind my ears short and thin.

Now I lay it back, sort of, more than slick it, and use a scarf overnight to make it lie flatter if I need to.

Also, some of my strands are naturally like that right now in certain areas (not naturally realy - but I mean it's not due to error or neglect since I started taking better care of my hair) just from overprocessing or rough handling, and then gentle handling more recently. So the ends are thinner from the brushing, beating, and straightening I used to do, and the roots thicker because I cut all that out and stretch longer. It is slowly evening out as I get trims, though. HTH. :)
I also cosign with Mai Tai.

I have fine strands, but my hair is THICK and I have a lot of it. Cowashing is too much for my hair. I had a moisture overload for a while and didn't realize it because of it, not to mention manipulating my hair daily or every other day -- after a while, certain areas were just tooooo elastic and weak. Then again, I ONLY used very moisturizing conditioners though - never protein, which would have helped balance me out, I'm sure.
Thanks so much Ladies. BTW your hair looks so shiny and straight and healthy! And Mai Tai your hair looks so thick and it's straight and hangs so well. When I straighten my hair it never has that nice weight to it. Y'all's hair is beautiful. ... One day... :)
i say slicking back the hair is the problem, considering your thin areas are the front and temples of your hair. i have SUPERFINE strands, and cowash daily, so i doubt that cowashing is the issue.

also, could you describe how you bun? that could also be contributing to your problem.

as a side note: if you cowash daily, and notice that your hair breaks more easily, or seems mushy, step up your protein. the moisture from washing and using all that conditioner must be balanced with protein every so often.
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Pookie I love your hair color.

I start out by oiling my scalp with coconut oil, then I use WellComb hair dressing throughout my hair and put some sunsilk stuff in the pink bottle and smooth that on top. I usually part my hair on the left and then I use a denman brush to gather it into a ponytail at the back of my head, at about the same height as my eyes. I use those no-dent seamless/ouchless ponytail holders. Then I use a regular boar bristle brush to smooth it out and then tie it down with a scarf. I have fine hair, too. Now that I'm describing it step by step it does seem like a lot of manipulation.

Miamori how do you keep your hair so shiny and still have your hair free-flowin like it is?

but yep, that does look like a ton of manipulation. try this: instead of using the denman to gather your hair into a ponytail, try a wide toothed comb. and instead of using a boar bristle brush to smooth down your edges, try smoothing down just using your fingers, and then tying a scarf over it. that'll definitely cut down the amount of hair you lose. IMO, the denman brush should only be used for detangling and shed-hair removal. when you use it on the length of your hair for styling purposes, you could potentially lose a ton of hair.
Well I'm a relaxed head and co-washing is a no no for me. Protein also a no no. Any Manipulation while my hair is wet? Forget about it. I will have way too much breakage doing that. Maybe you are doing too much manipulation. Maybe your hair is changing more fragile towards the fall/winter months.... I would add moisture and less manipulation.
i had surprise breakage last week. i deep conditioned for 30 minuites with heat with UBH deep conditioner and my hair feels sooooooooo good. strong and soft. maybe thats what you need to do. find a good protein conditioner.