Switching to a new relaxer...


Active Member
I used mizani butter blend and i am not liking the results....my hair is always frizzy and looks dull. Am planning on switching to a new relaxer, do i apply the relaxer to only the new growth? Or apply the relaxer to the entire hair?I was natural before, and this has been my first relaxer....
Will switching to a new relaxer damage my hair?
Appy the relaxer to the new growth ONLY!!! Never overlap onto previously relaxed hair. Switching will not damage your hair, but make sure you condition well afterwards. The hair that has been relaxed with the Mizani should be protected with a conditioner before you start to apply relaxer. I used to do at least 2 DEEP conditioning treatments before I relaxed my hair. One protein and one moisture in a 10 day period. Hope that helps :)