

New Member
A lot of people here complain of tangles. However I never remember ne tangles. Does ne one else have no probs with tangles?
I don't right now. Detangling in the shower with conditioner in my hair seems to be helping. My hair actually tangles very easily. I mean I can detangle one side of my head, and by the time I get done with the other side, the first side is tangled again. It's a very tricky process. I think I've got it in control now, though
I also don't have any problems. However, I'm transitioning, so (((exhaling))) that might become a problem later on
Aren't you lucky? Nah, I don't have any major probs with tangles, but there are some occassional tangles.
I've realised that my hair tangles because it is not the same texture, so its not smooth. I relaxed with Affirm mild twice about 7 month ago, and that hair was underprocessed. Since then I swithced to their resistant formula, so my hair gets straighter, but its hard to comb as the underproceesed hair is not as smooth. I don't want to cut it off because it isn't damaged, but I have to be very careful when combing it wet.