The best pre poo ever!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh my!!!! I decided to give the pre-poo another try after reading several threads on it. I had given up because it did absolutley nothing for my hair. Well last night a applied a mixture of Silk Elements Moisturizing Condish, EVOO, and coconut oil to my dry hair. I applied a shower cap and slept in it over night. Well let me tell you!!!! My hair NEVER felt this good after a pre-poo. I could NOT believe it! I had maybe 5-10 hairs in my comb. (Combed while in the shower AFTER I rinsed the pre-poo out)

I am sold that this pre-poo does indeed work!!! Normally, no matter what I did, I would always get a bunch of hair in my comb and what not and my hair would not feel good AT ALL. Oh! I was using LeKair Cholesterol Condish before. I'm gonna do an experiment and see if the oils with this condish will change the results.

I just wanted to share! Toodles!!!!:)


This mixture can be used as a deep conditioner. At least that's what I heard, and the results were good.


New Member
Running to look... I have the silk element moisturizing cond in my closet.. I am going to try it. Thanks

By the way, congrats on your prepoo success