The funniest thing happened on my way to Fotki...


Well-Known Member
Well....I received a comment pretty much telling me I was wrong for giving a bad review of a hair dryer that I think is absolutely HORRIBLE!!! (You guys probably cannot recall any other post that I've made bashing a product, so you know this one HAD to be pretty bad for me! LOL!) To know there were people that had the same experience makes me feel even stronger about my opinion on this item. Up untill now, I really haven't experienced "negative" comments. But I did find this one amusing because I was put down for expressing my dislike. The argument was that I shouldn't be putting down something that may work for other people....It wasn't a comment dissagreeing with my opinion of the product (which is PERFECTLY ok! Of course we will all feel differently about certain products!) but more so dissagreeing with my expression of my opinion...

That leaves me to this question....

Is it ok to PRAISE, which we do a lot of on this board, an item or hair product that may work for you but may not work for others....but wrong to BASH an item that doesn't work for you but may work for others? Should we keep "quiet" if something doesn't work for us? Should we be more "gentle" and "sensitive" in how we express our negitive opinions as opossed to our positive opinions?

When it comes to personal hair albums, that some of us have PAID subscriptions for, are we still wrong for discussing our dislike of something we've tried or going into detail about what we don't like about something and should be "watch" what we say????

Let me know what you think when it comes to product reviews and expressing personal opinions....I don't think I need to state "this is my opinion" in any review because that is simply stating the obvious with any product review. If you read anything that I've written...take it for what it is, MY experience. If I think people should not purchase something for fear that they may have the same experience...than I will not refrain saying so, and I would hope that you all would do the same.
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It's your fotki, first and foremost. Your opinion is your opinion. The fact that you don't like a product doesn't change even if someone else does like it.
You are not the first and won't be the last to share your bad experiences with certain products. People do it all the time. Plus there are threads specifically out there wanting people to post their good and bad experieces..what the heck!!
so1913 said:
Well....I received a comment pretty much telling me I was wrong for giving a bad review of a hair dryer that I think is absolutely HORRIBLE!!! (You guys probably cannot recall any other post that I've made bashing a product, so you know this one HAD to be pretty bad for me! LOL!) To know there were people that had the same experience makes me feel even stronger about my opinion on this item. Up untill now, I really haven't experienced "negative" comments. But I did find this one amusing because I was put down for expressing my dislike. The argument was that I shouldn't be putting down something that may work for other people....It wasn't a comment dissagreeing with my opinion of the product (which is PERFECTLY ok! Of course we will all feel differently about certain products!) but more so dissagreeing with my expression of my opinion...

That leaves me to this question....

Is it ok to PRAISE, which we do a lot of on this board, an item or hair product that may work for you but may not work for others....but wrong to BASH an item that doesn't work for you but may work for others? Should we keep "quiet" if something doesn't work for us? Should we be more "gentle" and "sensitive" in how we express our negitive opinions as opossed to our positive opinions?

When it comes to personal hair albums, that some of us have PAID subscriptions for, are we still wrong for discussing our dislike of something we've tried or going into detail about what we don't like about something and should be "watch" what we say????

Let me know what you think when it comes to product reviews and expressing personal opinions....I don't think I need to state "this is my opinion" in any review because that is simply stating the obvious with any product review. If you read anything that I've written...take it for what it is, MY experience. If I think people should not purchase something for fear that they may have the same experience...than I will not refrain saying so, and I would hope that you all would do the same.
lol, probably some silly chick with nothing to do. I thought this board was about sharing the good, bad, and ugly. This makes me skeptical about sharing my opinions/product reviews. I have no patience with nonsense.
I don't see why the person would get offended because most people will still try things even if somebody gave a bad review. I know I pretty much choose what to use and how to take care of my hair. I think the person took it personal for some reason.
That is the whole point about forums is that everyone can state both their likes and dislikes. Like we all know here at LHCF what works for one person may not work for another. I don't know what the person in question took it so personally unless they work for the company that produces the said product??
I think some ppl have too much time on their hands and not enough of a life to worry about these things. :ohwell:

NO you are not obligated to lie or hide your feelings about a product. If it didn't work for you, you can tell it! Everything doesn't work for everybody and if someone is offended of a review you wrote...oh well. What they gone do, force you to use it?

ETA: it might would work for her... :lachen: Ok, I'm sorry.
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I agree that you posting something as horrible is your prerogative, BUT I see were she was coming from.

Someone posting "This is terrible" as opposed to " This did not work for my hair" may keep someone from using something that would work GREAT on their hair. That is their problem though not yours . We say time and time again " What works for some may not work for others". Since it is YOUR fotki that you pay good money for you can say the earth is square and you'd have the right to do so.

After looking at your fotki though your review was mostly facts not opinions.
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I think some people get all scary, like their hair is gonna fall out, when someone dislikes a product they love.

I bash and praise products only when its appropriate. If someone posts a rave thread about how wonderful NTM is for their hair then I'm not gonna bust in a say how much I hate it and it didn't work for me etc etc. I'm just like whatever- it works for them and that's great. Now if someone is inquiring about a certain product or my experience with it, good or bad, then I will give my opinion.
sillygurl18 said:
I agree that you posting something as horrible is your prerogative, BUT I see were she was coming from.

Someone posting "This is terrible" as opposed to " This did not work for my hair" may keep someone from using something that would work GREAT on their hair. That is their problem though not yours . We say time and time again " What works for some may not work for others". Since it is YOUR fotki that you pay good money for you can say the earth is square and you'd have the right to do so.

After looking at your fotki though your review was mostly facts not opinions.

So must I state "I think this product is...." or "In my opinion, this product is..." or "from my own usage, this product is...." before I make a statement about how something worked for me in order for it to come across as a personal opinion, or isn't that already understood??? I believe it IS poorly made and don't think anyone should buy itl, it's a fact to me! LOL! BUT, I would think others would take my statement for what it is...personal experience....Now...if I have tip toe and ballet dance around how I word my reviews, making sure I'm "politically correct", then posting a review isn't worth it.
Yea... I definitely think some people have too much time on their hands. It's YOUR Fotki, which is YOUR space for YOUR own opinions... lol
I dont think its a big deal. Its your fotki so feel free to praise or bash as you wish. Why should someone be concerned that some people might be mislead by your negative opinions? The average human being should know that not everyone has the same experience with such products.