& the journey begins yall!


New Member
Okay guys Im new to the forum. I joined after reading sooooo many threads and not being able to comment and being SUPER limited to the basic subscription I finally decided to join.

ok to the hair...:perplexed...where do i begin

I have issues with my hair probably since middle school. Been thru pretty much every style possible perms,presses,braids,weave,ponytails. You name it, Ive probably worn it. Long story short (and there lies the problem) I have always alway always had short hair. It used to be that I was soley uncomfortable with short hair and I always dreamed of it being long. Well now Im more concerned with it being healthy and then with that I know that growth will come. Um lets see Im gonna try to sum up my hair history really quickly. Perms and Presses in middle school, and the my mother decided perms were no good and so we stopped that and went between presses...ponytail,braids etc. Hair still wasnt very healthy (to me). I was going to a beauty shop regularly. Umm in high school I started getting weaves. Initially it was bonded or glued in which i think did the most damage because of the glue and heat. Then I made the transition into sewn in weaves which did a great deal of good for my hair growth. It was past my shoulders. So I decided great no more weaves...THEN bang...Dont know how it happened but my hair broke really badly. I wasnt doing much heat or playing in it, in fact I was scared to comb it. But alas it was gone in like a month. I decided to get a perm which didnt really help(it had been about 7yrs since my last). Now Im up in a sewn in again, but I still dont really feel as though my hair is healthy. I have very thick, probably 4a...maybe 3c hair..Now its about at my shoulder line, but very uneven which I hate.

If anyone could make any hair regimen suggestions and things that helped them with hair growth....uhhh styles..things not to do...id love you forever and a day:drunk:...

I appreciate you reading and any feedback


ps...feel free to ask if i left anything out

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Okay guys Im new to the forum. I joined after reading sooooo many threads and not being able to comment and being SUPER limited to the basic subscription I finally decided to join.

ok to the hair...:perplexed...where do i begin

I have issues with my hair probably since middle school. Been thru pretty much every style possible perms,presses,braids,weave,ponytails. You name it, Ive probably worn it. Long story short (and there lies the problem) I have always alway always had short hair. It used to be that I was soley uncomfortable with short hair and I always dreamed of it being long. Well now Im more concerned with it being healthy and then with that I know that growth will come. Um lets see Im gonna try to sum up my hair history really quickly. Perms and Presses in middle school, and the my mother decided perms were no good and so we stopped that and went between presses...ponytail,braids etc. Hair still wasnt very healthy (to me). I was going to a beauty shop regularly. Umm in high school I started getting weaves. Initially it was bonded or glued in which i think did the most damage because of the glue and heat. Then I made the transition into sewn in weaves which did a great deal of good for my hair growth. It was past my shoulders. So I decided great no more weaves...THEN bang...Dont know how it happened but my hair broke really badly. I wasnt doing much heat or playing in it, in fact I was scared to comb it. But alas it was gone in like a month. I decided to get a perm which didnt really help(it had been about 7yrs since my last). Now Im up in a sewn in again, but I still dont really feel as though my hair is healthy. I have very thick, probably 4a...maybe 3c hair..Now its about at my shoulder line, but very uneven which I hate.

If anyone could make any hair regimen suggestions and things that helped them with hair growth....uhhh styles..things not to do...id love you forever and a day:drunk:...

I appreciate you reading and any feedback


ps...feel free to ask if i left anything out

What do you think broke your hair off??
Well my hair always seems extra extra dry,so Im thinking not keeping it moisturized?...I was bunning it, pulling it into a tight bun not wanting to comb thru it. I just posted a pick of before the breakage and in the pic I was also perm free, it was just a press.
Welcome! There is a lot of great information on this forum, and I'm pretty sure everyone will be happy to help you in your journey!
Ladies I am lost on where to begin. Shortly this weave will be coming out and I just dont know what to do. Hmmm...Things I suffer from are dry scalp, what seems to me like super breakage and sheading. What are something you do to you hair between weaves. Ive also been thinking about getting a full lace so that I can put all of my hair up and so my edges can grow as well.

Thanks in advance

Are you going to continue relaxing or transition to natural? Do you deep condition? What would help us out in giving you some advice would be for you to list your regiment.
Welcome. It would be more helpful if you posted a pic of what your hair looks like NOW as opposed to what it used to look like. What are you doing to your hair while in the weave?
Ok ladies as of right now, I dont deep condition but I think that something I need to get into the habit of doing. When Im not in the weave I shampoo and condition with Pantene Relaxed And Natural. I just started using a Carols Daughter Moisturizer. When Im in the weave I wash and conditionn with the same shampoo. I think that for now Im going to stay away from perms just because Im not good about maintaining them. Right now I get weaves and leave mt edges out so that I can wear ponytail, but Ive been stalking threads and pages looking for full lace and lace fronts but thats all so far just looking. Im hoping that wearing a lace front will give my edges a break...Or maybe even braids. I hope this clears things up a little. As soon as this weave comes out, I will be snapping photos.
Oh and sealing?-- whats that lol
Ive never really paid much attention to ingredients in products so yeah. A sistah needs a little help

Thanks Ladies
Welcome to the forum..i haven't been able to read your post yet but will return.

We're glad to have you & help you in any way we can.