This may explain relaxer-resistant hair


New Member
Thats true, both me and my mom have resistant hair. Last week I relaxed and 1st did a strand test so that I knew how long to leave it on. I was switching relaxers. Even @ 30 mins it still was underprocessed. I bumped it up to 35 min and that seemed to do the trick. Ever since I remember 30 - 40 mins is how long I need to process to get the results I like, and not even to get it bone straight, just straight enough. My mom when she use to relax would leave it on for 30 too and it wasnt even bone straight.
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Goal:Hip length stretched
And that's another thing. I'd sit in the chair with the relaxer on whilst my stylist worked on other heads so we're talking 30+ mins and my hair still wouldn't be straight:rolleyes:.


Relaxed, 4B
I also read on a post by Sistaslick - that your body may have a naturally low PH level which may also cause the relaxer to not work as well and thus would need a stronger relaxer.


New Member
Wow very interesting thread. I too have relaxer resistent hair. Regular and mild strength relaxers provide more of a texturizing/curl loosening effect for me. It's the same with my mother. My hair is very fine, curly, and frizz prone and I feel like using a stronger strength relaxer other then mild or regular would only cause my hair to break off.

I also have natural reddishing-brown tones within my natural hair color, though it appears very dark.

Interesting information..