Time Schedule HELP!!


Well-Known Member
I have a dilemma ladies. I am getting a perm next Thursday, and I need to know when to do my Aphogee treatment. I wanted to infuse more strength in my hair before my perm. Should I do it tonight, or wait a few days... Basically, how many days before my perm should I do an Aphogee treatment?
You should do the aphogee treatment tonight (Thurs.), that way you have a full week between the treatment and the perm. You can also do it on Fri. night but anything after that is cutting it close. You can wash your hair up to 4 days prior to a perm, I've tried this (4 days before a perm) and ended up burning very badly, this is why I suggest you do it 5-7 days prior to relaxer touch up.
I agree. I wouldn't wash my hair no more than 5days before a perm. You have to give your scalp 5 or more days to produce oil so that your scalp won't burn. also to heal any abrasions that you caused when you washed your hair. ...