Today marks 1 yr since my last relaxer...


New Member
Your hair looks great it reminds me of my hair 2 and a half years ago when I cut off my relaxer it was way to thin, I also thought it would've grown out thicker but believe it or not the first hairs that grew out after I cut my relaxer off was sorta thin but as my hair grew and I did my treatments and kept it moisturize it got so much thicker, just hang in there u would be amazed at the changes in the future, happy growing


Well-Known Member
guesswho said:
Your hair looks great it reminds me of my hair 2 and a half years ago when I cut off my relaxer it was way to thin, I also thought it would've grown out thicker but believe it or not the first hairs that grew out after I cut my relaxer off was sorta thin but as my hair grew and I did my treatments and kept it moisturize it got so much thicker, just hang in there u would be amazed at the changes in the future, happy growing

Thanks for sharing. That's good to know. I hope thats the case with my hair. :)


Well-Known Member
Congrats Bmore, your hair relaxed reminded me of mine, I have started to underprocess mine and stretch relaxers way out, and I have noticed a thickeness I did not have with the overprocessed hair, I believe it will get thicker over time, in any event you get your grow on :lol:


UMBlessedBeauty_1 said:
Congrats! I have fine hair as well so it looks thick for a shake and go but umm twists and braids yeah not a good look for me.

Yep. Fine haired sistah checking in. So I understand your pain.