Top hair and damage


New Member
I'm sure most of us notice some disparity between the condition of hair on "top" of the hair compared with the "inside". The top, exposed hair being drier,more prone to breakage,etc. What types of things can we do to minimize the difference and improve the top layer. Any tips?
I have also noticed that my hair on top, especially the edges are thin and shorter from breakage. I don't make tight pony tails, I don't comb it too much so I don't know what else to do to minimise breakage.
If you use protein shampoos and conditioners on the dry, damaged part of your hair it should help. You also should try daily leave in products with glycerin to boost the moisture. My hair at the mid section used to be rough and dry, while the hair on the sides and back was soft and curly . Now all my hair is almost the same texture, but I am still working on it. Protein shampoos and conditioners helped rebuild the dry areas and conditioners and leave-ins like Suave Coconut and Daily Doctor helped to boost the moisture. Weekly hotoil treatments with a shea butter plus other oils also helped. I also used homeade lotions with moisturizing oils as a daily leave-in.
I notice that if I haven't washed by the 3rd day, the "top" of my hair seems to get dry no matter what kind of moisture I try to add to it - it will drink it quickly. So, I believe the solution for me is washing more often with not necessarily shampoo but conditioner washes and rinses.
Thanks girls, for the replies. I think the main culprits of this is that (1)the top is exposed to air,weather, sun etc. (2)cotton bandanas or sleeping w/out satin scarf (3) it's less moisturized being that it dries a lot quicker than the rest (for me). (4) more buildup because of gels & pomades used to style (5) brush is usually used on the top more to slick back styles (6) ponytail or bun elastics

That's all I can think of right now. You ladies gave good suggestions thanks.
Yes, I know for me, it's definitely 1, 3, and 3!