Trimming ends


New Member
This might be a dumb question so I apologize in advance, but my stylist usually trims my ends while my hair is wet. All the other stylists I've been to do it while its dry. Should I stop her from trimming while I have wet hair?
That depends on you. I got better results trimming mine when wet. Also, my stylists used to prefer cutting when wet...I think it reduced the chance of causing split when cutting dry or something.
When I've done my own, I've learned that wet cuts give a more blunt cut (I still don't like doing my own trims, bleck
). I've trimmed my hair dry before and noticed that my hair wouldn't cut as sharp as when dry. You have to cut in smaller pieces on dry hair than on wet hair in my opinion for more precision.
Some people prefer to cut dry because there's less chance of cutting the hair too short because they forgot to factor in shrinkage. You also get to see how the hair falls as you go.

The only thing about dry trimming that worries me is that usually the stylist goes over your hair with a blowdryer first and they could be causing damage that they are going to try and cut off later.