Trusting God's Promise


Well-Known Member
How do you trust in God's promise for your life? I'm approaching a professional crossroads and I'm having a hard time trusting that the Lord has the best in mind for me. I've come so far and succeeded so young in life, and while I know it's by His grace, I still find myself having a lot of doubt and fear about the future. Help!
I understand how you feel. I have a prayer journal that I used to write all my prayers down in, and once God answered them I would go back and journal His answer and how He answered me. Its very encouraging to see His faithfulness. I need to go back to this practice because, speaking for myself, sometimes circumstances in life can cause you to forget what He's already done and just how awesome He is.

Just remember, if He brought you this far in life its not to leave you there but to keep going. And know that He ALWAYS has your best interest in heart. He has never told me to do something that was for my harm, always for my good. God doesn't give us a spirit of fear, but instead a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. So rebuke that spirit of fear and doubt, pray, make your descision, and walk in faith. Hope that helps!
I totally agree and the prayer journal is one I need to follow as well, I learned a lesson about faith and I am trying to memorize James. Faith is something that is really easy. We as a people have faith all the time without thinking about it. We have faith that when we sit down the chair is going to hold us up. We have faith that when we get on a bus or train it is going to take us to the places it lists. We have faith that when we send our kids to school they are actually going to learn something. We need to focus that same faith towards God, as long as we are obedient we must have faith that whatever happens count as good even if it doesn't seem good at all. If moving up in your position is what God desires for you then have faith, Give God praise if it does not happen, in all that you do give glory to God and he will direct your path and make straight your way.
Thanks ladies! It's hard to remain encouraged sometimes even when I have evidence of His grace and faithfulness right in my face. I have faith. I just don't have patience. I need to learn to WAIT on the Lord. I trust Him, I just have issues with waiting lol