Twist/Braid-out on natural hair

Ladies bear with me, this is somewhat lengthy. I recently took out my braids and let it "breathe" for a few days. During this time, I shampooed with Nexxus Therappe, followed by a protein treatment with Emergencee(Nexxus), the deep conditioned with Humectress (Nexxus), and concluded with Ensure (Nexxus) as a final rinse. Seeing how I havent had a relaxer since the beginning of this year (Jan/Feb), I had to blow-dry my hair (because of estimated thickness) on a cool setting using small amounts of Infusium 23, Hot Six Oil, and Wild Growth Oil (on my new growth). I can't believe how my hair came out. It was alot healthier than I expected it to be. It was soft to the touch and had sheen. My hair was also very thick and I had up to four and a half inches of new growth in some areas!

I have been debating on whether or not I should relax the new growth as a means of controling it. Any suggestions? I would really like to stray away from relaxer applications while growing out my hair and have been thinking about doing twist/braid-outs when I take a break from braids in the coming months. Has anyone done twist/braid-outs on natural hair? If so, what were your results? Thanx in advance.
I’ve done them, I have 3 ½ to 4 ½ inches of hair and my braid outs come out very nicely considering the short length. The best way that I can explain the look is that it’s looks like curly virgin hair, it looks alive as if it is breathing. I touch it and it actually feels like it’s breathing (I kid you not), feels like suede. My relaxed braid outs looked good but felt process and unnatural (I guess because the hair wasn’t natural). This the only way I know how to describe it. I have braids (extensions) right now but I’ll resume with the braids outs and I am looking forward to when my hair gets longer so that the curls can hang as sometimes I’ll look similar to a poodle in a cute sort of way. I have had my share of hard hair days but when it’s on, it is on.

As far as relaxing goes, it depends on you, if you have no interest in being natural, I would relax it to make it a bit easier for you to manage. Some people feel that relaxed hair is easier to manage, for me, it has been about the same.

Your hair sounds thicker and longer then mine so I’m sure any braid out style will come out nicely for you, relaxed or natural.
I agree with you, I dont want my braid-out to look unnatural. I do love the natural feel of my hair. As for the length goes, my hair is about 7 1/4 to 8 inches long and thickness is rather genetic in my family. Thanx for your reply!
I wear my natural hair in 2-strand twists the majority of the time. I love it. It keeps my hair protected & I get so many compliments on it, from relaxed & natural women alike. I'll wear it twisted for about a week then let it loose for a twistout for a day or two--doesn't last too long, though, especially when it's humid. I used to think I really needed a relaxer, but when I found the right routine for my natural hair, I know I don't need to perm it. When I first went natural, it seemed dry & coarse, but as I learned to take care of it (it was all very much trial & error!), it's become very moisturized. Also, I attempted twists when I relaxed, but they didn't look as good ('cause they weren't as thick) as they do now.
Good luck to you!
I just posted on another thread about twist outs.

I haven't relaxed since October of 2002. I have about 6.5 inches of natural hair and 3-4 inches of relaxed hair. (Yeah, Yeah, I know. I'm gonna cut it off, but It's there for a purpose right now.)

I took my braids out last Monday night. My hair, as you can imagine, is THICK!!!!!

I have been doing braid/twist outs between my extensions and they have always looked good. As I said before, I never wore them down, I always pin them up and leave some waves hanging in the front. My reason for not wearing it down is that I had a breakage (broke down) spot in the crown of my head, and it was about 3 inches shorter than the rest of my hair. Up until recently, it didn't blend in well with the braid/twist out, and so pinning my hair up hid it well. (you just can't hide a damaged spot in the crown of your head whene there is no hair there. And my hair was ate up in the crown 8 months ago, but now it's 6 inches long YEAH ME!!!!!)

Anyway, a twist out is all I do. I'm afraid of even using a blowdryer in my hair, because I might get addicted to the heat again. I love the twist/braid outs.