Tyler Perry: His Message WILL Bless You -"But for the Grace of God"


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
I received this in my email from Tyler Perry's Message board....I love this man; always did. :love2: He's not ashamed to speak up and give God the glory for all that he has been blessed with. Here's his latest message to those on his email list. It's powerful...Praise God, it's powerful.


How are you? Merry Christmas

A little bit of business before I get into this. I've seen this question
asked on the message board a lot so yes I do have a new stage play coming
out that starts touring in January 2008 called THE MARRIAGE COUNSELOR and
it is AMAZING!!! You're going to love it! I'll tell you more about that
later. Yes tickets are on sale.

Now on to the reason that I'm writing. I don't know if you saw me on CNN
the other day. I was at the Atlanta Food Bank packing boxes for people in
need. During the interview I was talking about this nation's food shortage
and how it is affecting so many of "us" not to mention our children.

When most people think of food banks they think that it is for homeless
people, but homeless people are only a small percentage of people that
receive this food. Most of it goes to hard-working single mothers who just
can't make ends meet as well as to elderly people who have to make choices
between buying food or buying medicine. It's just awful. My mother calls
me all of the time and tells me that she is so grateful because if I
wasn't in the position that you all have put me in, then she wouldn't be
able to afford her medicines.

So this Christmas as we celebrate the birth of Christ and the spirit of
His giving if you can please go to www.SecondHarvest.org and enter your
zip code then you can find a food bank in your area and bring some canned
goods. Things high in protein are better, like peanut butter, tuna and so
on. Even if it's just one that's enough to make sure that somebody has
something to eat.

But for the grace of God it could have been any of us. As a matter of
fact it was me not long ago. But I thank God that I hung in there and that
He brought me through.

And if you're reading this and you are one of those people who are in
need, please hear me clearly when I say this. "If you believe then God can

I know that this is not the cool celebrity thing to say but it's the
truth. Had it not been for the grace of God instead of packing those boxes
I would have been coming to get one.

So hold on my sister, hold on my brother, Life gets better. Things change. But you have to keep moving.

Those are the words I used to tell myself, I would say Tyler just keep moving. God's got a plan in this and when it's all said and done He will get some glory out of it. It will work for your good. This is gonna make you better and it's going to make you stronger.

I know that this may be hard to hear when you're going through, but I dare you to just believe it!

I gotta stop this. I'm getting HAPPY!!! JESUS!!!
Hold your head up, stand tall and believe. I dare you. You just keep
moving. SEE YOURSELF doing better and it will come to past. It's got to.

Good God, listen to me.

Don't let this society get you caught up! Don't go into all this debt trying to buy things that you can't afford this Christmas. The people who love you are
going to love you with nothing under the tree.

Even if there ain't no tree. As a matter of fact send them this email for Christmas.. ..LOL!

Live at your level but believe on another!...

I'm sorry I gotta breath....woooooo

God bless, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

And remember, the one thing that you never get punished for is giving.

I thank God that he has given you to me.

Tyler Perry

To respond to this message, please go to

Now angels, wasn't this a powerful word from Mr. Tyler?

This man literally 'lived' what he's sharing with us. God WILL make it happen for you. Oh yes He will. God is just that kind of God. The one who re-creates our lives; gives us brand new beginnings, new openings and closings, bringing all things which beset us to an end...a close. Opening our lives to begin again, all anew.

I wish this blessings or each of you who are Jesus bound and settled.:love2:
Thanks for posting this Shimmie. I received this in my mail box but deleted it. I thought he was going to talk about his show again, lol. And now to come here and see it posted....so I said....Tasha read it! And so I did. :grin:

I too love how he's not ashamed to give God the glory. This message is truly a blessing.
