tyra's hair

i actual dont have a problem with her weight loss

altho i do think she shouldnt have said she was revealing natural hair when her hair was actually freshly permed.

Was that her real hair - yes. and it was decent!

But was it her natural hair - no.

and even in the show she kept using the term "natural" instead of real and my heart went out to all those kinky haired young women who thought they were gonna be repped today because of her misuse of the word...and werent.

like when she kept basically saying "see how thick it is? i want u to check it to show this thickness is real"

and then kinda lamented about what a hassle it was to deal with such thick luxurious hair.....girl please....:lachen: half the women on LHCF think she actually has fine hair.

You know, I was actually thinking about LHCF while she was talking about how "long and thick" her hair was. I suppose this forum has raised my expectations when it comes to hair. :yawn:

I couldn't take anymore of her "getting her hair did" comments, so I just turned off the program after about twenty minutes. :ohwell:


Well-Known Member
I just wonder how long she's gonna keep it up was this just a 1 time thing to get ratings? Big time celebs like her can really change a womens perspective about their hair and what's socially accepted

She said she's going to wear her own hair out for the rest of the week and then she's going to switch between wigs, weaves and her hair throughout the rest of the season.

ETA: About the "natural" comment I've been noticing lately even here in my town when people are saying their natural hair sometimes they mean natural like their own natural hair they grew and not natural as in without a relaxer natural. It's confusing. I also know white people refer to natural and mean their natural color.


New Member
It's healthy and pretty.

I thought she was natural though! I must've misunderstood.
Me too. I guess she meant natural as in the hair that grows out of your own scalp, lol...

The whole time I was looking for a bush or some coils
Me too. I guess she meant natural as in the hair that grows out of your own scalp, lol...

The whole time I was looking for a bush or some coils

Folks seem to use the term "natural" to mean different things... I've seen fellow knotty head girls who dye their hair blonde, red, etc. yet still refer to their hair as "natural". For me, this isn't "natural", but that's because my idea of what's "natural" is simply different from theirs.

I guess she just meant natural as in without a wig...