UBH conditioner is the BOMB!


Well-Known Member
As i mentioned before, I got the chance to see Cathy Howse during her visit to Charlotte. I purchased her conditioner and creme moisturizer. previously i only used the dew. Man, her conditioner is THE BOMB! it felt sooooo goood on the scalp cause it was extra extra tingly-minty. It conditioned and detangled just as well as any other product also. her ingredient list looks pretty healthy. I tried co-washes with suave and this caused my scalp to itch and flake badly like after 2 days i wash it. but ever since i used her conditioner it doesn't itch anymore. that tingle just felt soooo good.
I will use her creme moisturizer next week once i get my new relaxer touch-up. and i'll update yall on if i like the moisturizer or not.
Her Dew is GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAND! It makes my hair really soft. I didn't like that my hair would get dull and puffy from the conditioner (but I remedied that with a little kemi oil). I didn't know that she had new products!! How well does the moisturizer work for you?
I started using this condtioner a couple of month ago and I love it and it will be a staple product.
The moisturizer is the Da Bomb too.
I havent tried any of her products but I have the book. There was a report she was going to transition to natural. Did she give any more info on that? I havent been to her website in a while.
Yep, she sure did. She mentioned that she is currently transitioning and the last 6 inches of her hair is relaxed and the rest is naural. and when i looked i can see that the top inches of her hair looked natural cause it was thicker and not as straight so i know she was telling the truth. and her hair is still sooooo full and thick. she caught alot of peoples attention on this topic because everyone thinks that when u transition that u have to do a big-chop. she totally dispelled that rumor and said as long as you are gentle, then you can hold on to the length of your hair as long as you like. but she did mention that she did cut off alot of the relaxed hair. and it looked like her hair was like 3-4inches shorter than the length it was on her book photo.

Enchantmt said:
I havent tried any of her products but I have the book. There was a report she was going to transition to natural. Did she give any more info on that? I havent been to her website in a while.
Mizani_Mrs said:
Yep, she sure did. She mentioned that she is currently transitioning and the last 6 inches of her hair is relaxed and the rest is naural. and when i looked i can see that the top inches of her hair looked natural cause it was thicker and not as straight so i know she was telling the truth. and her hair is still sooooo full and thick. she caught alot of peoples attention on this topic because everyone thinks that when u transition that u have to do a big-chop. she totally dispelled that rumor and said as long as you are gentle, then you can hold on to the length of your hair as long as you like. but she did mention that she did cut off alot of the relaxed hair. and it looked like her hair was like 3-4inches shorter than the length it was on her book photo.

Kewl. Thanx. :)
Mrs. Mizani, I met Cathy Howse also here in Charlotte on the 17th. Her hair did look very healthy and strong. You know I had to touch it :). I agree with you on the conditioner. I tried it this past Friday and it is very tingly on the scalp. I will use this as often as possible. I also purchased her cream moisturizer, which I love. I don't like the dull look so I added my own oils to it. I washed my hair and let it air dry for the 1st time. I'll be 11 weeks post relaxer tomorrow and to my surprise, my new growth layed so flat, you could hardly see my new growth. I hope that this will continuously act this way for I am trying to stretch my relaxer to 24 weeks this time. She does have great products. I hope to try her Dew in the near future.
Yes, That Conditioner Is The Best! I Have Been Using It Over A Year Now! It's The Best Deep Conditioner I Have Ever Used!
:lachen: I can't believe u touched her hair. :lachen: I really wanted to also, but isn't that like a no-no. lol. Oh i see you add oils to her cream moisturizer. Maybe i need to do the same because i noticed the dull look also. I read the ingredients and it does have oils in it...just probably not that much. anyways, thanks for the suggestion. And by the way, I have the dew and I really love it. I do a 'misting' every nite. but it smells just like S-curl and the ingredients are the same, its just that the Dew is watery. I think when i run out, I'll mix some S-curl with alot of water and use it as a mist spray (just to save money).

Good luck with your relaxer stretching!

luvlonghair said:
Mrs. Mizani, I met Cathy Howse also here in Charlotte on the 17th. Her hair did look very healthy and strong. You know I had to touch it :). I agree with you on the conditioner. I tried it this past Friday and it is very tingly on the scalp. I will use this as often as possible. I also purchased her cream moisturizer, which I love. I don't like the dull look so I added my own oils to it. I washed my hair and let it air dry for the 1st time. I'll be 11 weeks post relaxer tomorrow and to my surprise, my new growth layed so flat, you could hardly see my new growth. I hope that this will continuously act this way for I am trying to stretch my relaxer to 24 weeks this time. She does have great products. I hope to try her Dew in the near future.