Using mascara to fill in thinning edges?


New Member
So...I haven't posted in awhile because it is summer session in my program and it's kicking my butt.

But, I just wanted you all to know that I was at a photo shoot about two weeks was like for print ads and I saw a makeup artist fill in some girls thinning edges with mascara (she was wearing a bun) before the shoot. I'm sure this has been said on this forum before because I can't think of anything you girls haven't already thought of but for the life of me I don't remember a thread about it. I was sitting there watching and he whipped out his mascara and touched up her edge. They looked so full when he was done too. I was impressed. Maybe this will help someone who has had this issues from relaxers or wigs or whatever. I immediately thought of you when I saw it. :lol:

I'll use it in a heartbeat to T/U Grey's around the Hairline in between Henndigo Rx's if/when necessary.:yep:

Got that tip from a Former Stylist

My old Stylist (Guy) use to always tell me: "Gurl.......You Don't Need a Rinse, You better get you some Mascara and touch that up at home.":lol:

*and you know just how he said it too*:lol:
You can use mascara. The bss and the drugstores also sell them specifically for hair. I'm sure they are the same as mascara. They make one made more like a lipstick which is great if your hair is kinky like mine. My hair gets caught in that mascara brush. The lipstick shape is easier to apply if your hair is kinky.

I have HIH issues so I don't use it very often because I just smear it everywhere :nono: But it works wonderful for picture taking and special occassions.
^^^I used it for greys too but I did get it all over my hands. If I could stop with the HIH, I might be alright. I might have to revisit.
You can use mascara. The bss and the drugstores also sell them specifically for hair. I'm sure they are the same as mascara. They make one made more like a lipstick which is great if your hair is kinky like mine. My hair gets caught in that mascara brush. The lipstick shape is easier to apply if your hair is kinky.

I have HIH issues so I don't use it very often because I just smear it everywhere :nono: But it works wonderful for picture taking and special occassions.

I use the lipstick shaped device love it:yep: