Want to know


What would you as a christian tell a person that doesn't know GOD but wants a personal relationship with HIM and thirsting for the WORD in order to get their life in order?


Well-Known Member
val1212 said:
What would you as a christian tell a person that doesn't know GOD but wants a personal relationship with HIM and thirsting for the WORD in order to get their life in order?
I would tell them to start reading a Bible they can easily undertand and I would become their prayer partner by praying with them at least once a week and also recommending them to pray to God for direction and pupose for my life. Somewhere in between I would talk to them about the plan of salvation on what is really means to be God's child and help lead them to salvation. Once they become saved I would encourage them to continue to read the bible and pray and find Bible teaching Church to join. I would also try to stay in contact with them as a prayer partner. :D


Well-Known Member
I would suggest they read the Bible,powerful pray for guidance, invite them to bible study or service. The Book of John is wonderous and relative to today. Just my 02.