Weaves for growth:Advice Needed


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies,

After seeing so many celebrities lately getting amazing growth from weaves, I'm really ready to give this a try. I've never worn a weave before, so I need some advice on the basics. Currently my hair is texlaxed and about 2 inches from BSL. I think weaves will cut down on the amount of manipulation I do to my as a result of daily styling. I'm interested in all advice, but these are some specific questions I have:

1. How often should I take down the sew-in?
2. How does my real hair stay moisturized under the sew-in?
3. During my initial install, should I have my hair braided with coconut oil or some other oil to protect my hair?
4. I workout and sweat a lot in my head. Will this be a problem? Currently I wash my hair once every 2 weeks. I just can't imagine how my hair can really be washed and conditioned if it is braided under all the other hair.

I'm sorry if these questions are remedial. Perhaps someone can point me in the direction of a DETAILED routine I can follow. thanks!