Week By Week Challenge


New Member
Is there anyone else besides me that find it hard to follow a long term challenge? I decided that I'm just gonna manage my hair on a week by week basis so I don't get overwhelmed. If I do good this week it will motivate me to for next week.

This week my challenge is to keep my hair in a rollerset and stay away from the flat iron. I did a rollerset yesterday and it came out good and I think I can maintain it till Saturday. Also I'm gonna exercise today, tomorrow, wednesday and saturday. My third challenge is to drink 5 glasses of water each day.

Anyone else trying to just make it through the week. List your weekly challenge here.
I'm down for a week by week. This week I'm going to try and do a mostly raw food diet. Notice I said, "mostly." Lol... And try to keep up with my co-washing and daily conditioning.
Well, I managed to keep my hair in a rolleset all week. I missed wearing my hair straight so on friday I washed and wrapped and wore it straight on saturday. Didn't like it, my hair felt so thin and had no body. I rewashed last night and it's back to a rollerset for the week.

I worked out 3 days this week, not bad. This week my challenge is gonna be to go to the gym first thing in the a.m. cuz once my day gets started it becomes more of a challenge.

I failed badly in the water drinking department though so that will be a continuing challenge for the week.

I started drinking MSM yesterday and also ordered Mega-tek.
Re: Week By Week Personal Challenge

Last week I discovered that my hair was breaking from a bad relaxer job.

Today I started using mega tek and already the shedding and breakage has decrease. My challenge this week is to use the rebuilder on my scalp nightly.

Don't know if I'm gonna continue MSM. I drank it 4 times. I did notice a difference in my nails though. The only reason I really want to continue to use it is because I've read that it can improve blood pressures, (but it may raise blood pressures while going through the initial detox stage).

I did better last week with drinking water and exercising but there is still room for improvement.
I'll join this challenge with you...I've failed every challenge I joined on this board out of pure laziness :ohwell:...I think I may be able to pull this one off though :look:....I just relaxed my hair Friday so I'm off to a fresh start...I use to wash my hair every 3 to 4 days but for the last month or so I've been going over a week or longer before washing (I know...just nasty :nono:)...this week, my challenge will be to get back to that routine plus use less heat...I will wash and (try to!) rollerset Tuesday and Saturday...that's it for now...I have to build up for more as we go.
Welcome. Sometimes it's difficult to keep up with the several months long challenges. I'm finding easier to maintain short term goals which will eventually result in reaching one long term goal.
This is cool... I wanna join.. My weekly goal is to find a good night time moisturizer because the BeeMine is drying my hair out.