Surge Challenge Update week 3

I havent went out to find this but the reviews are promising and i defintely would like to give this a try. God bless you all.
I'm not on week 3 like the rest of you, I'll be on week 1 on Friday (as the lovely Debyjay
was so lovely to get me 4 bottles and give them to me on her trip to London last week
) Thank you much! Glad you got back safely girl!!!!!

During the Surge raves I decided not to miss out on the protein invasion so I purchased the Fantasia IC hair treatment which has ingredients similar to Surge and used this for a week whilst waiting for Debyjay's visit. Any how I relaxed my hair Wed 12th November and it looks like I'm going to have to relax again approx 4 weeks after. The new growth is coming in thick and fast. It's hard to say how much, but when I put my hands in my hair at the roots they were thick already, and the hairline (unless laid down with profectives and a scarf) is starting to look a little untidy. I'd definitely say the Surge has increased the growth amount x2 my usual rate. I decided before the surge raves to relax every 4 weeks instead of 6 as it was too much stress on the hair to wait that long for me, and believe me that is long. (I wish I could go as long as 8 weeks like some). But it's working working working and I believe the key ingredient in there that's causing it is the protein. It doesn't make my hair as hard as I thought, the fantasia ic makes the hair hard like aphogee, no matter what you put on top of it.

Debyjay you know I'm putting my order in for your next visit in the New Year!
Week 2 for me...I am also still getting very rapid growth. Also the hair is coming in a softer texture than before but I doubled my dosage of silica and honestly think it's the silica rather than the surge doing the softening. I spray twice a day and am restocking tonight if all goes well.
Im on week 2 w/ Surge and it definitely caused a surge in growth. These edges of mine are stubborn...cant really say Ive seen improvement there but Im not giving up..Ive got a ton of newgrowith overall and Im getting a retouch early December so Ill post more results far, Surge is a GO !!!
I have only been using Surge for 4 days and let me tell you that it is absolutely amazing. I dont know if I am going crazy or what! I just had a touch up 3 weeks ago and the new growth is ridiculous. My edges are looking fabulous already! I dont know what to think! Quick question you guys think surge helps with holding out on relaxers? for example. does the hair change back to original texture when washed?? because my new growth is extra smooth and soft. Im a little confused
I have only been using Surge for 4 days and let me tell you that it is absolutely amazing. I dont know if I am going crazy or what! I just had a touch up 3 weeks ago and the new growth is ridiculous. My edges are looking fabulous already! I dont know what to think! Quick question you guys think surge helps with holding out on relaxers? for example. does the hair change back to original texture when washed?? because my new growth is extra smooth and soft. Im a little confused
I am wearing individual braids, sorry I didn't reply sooner. My hair is hanging off these braids and I have only had them for 5 weeks. They look terrible, but I think I am getting good growth.
I am wearing individual braids, sorry I didn't reply sooner. My hair is hanging off these braids and I have only had them for 5 weeks. They look terrible, but I think I am getting good growth.
Surge rules!!! Hey LD
Girl I found a ticket for $85 so expect to see me at January's end with a few more bottles for ya! Same time same train station, hehehe.
I think I have an inch of new growth already, I have that itchy, sore scalp thing going on like I'm ready for a touch up. This after not Surging for a whole week.
I implored my bss to stock it and not only have they stocked it, they have all three products and for $4.99 each which is the cheapest I've seen it. Jasmin's bss on Flatbush.
LD, you'll be able to get 5 bottles at this price! I currently seal with S-curl and am pleased with the results -- however, I may seal with the Surge woojee (sp)? cream.
Well, in the 6 weeks before Surge I had about 1/2 to 3/4 inch of new growth. In the 4 weeks I've been using Surge I've grown 1 inch. So I'd say I'm definitely seeing an inreas in new growth. I also pressed my new growth last week and it was silky and soft.

I think the increased growth is due to Surge. But the softness is due to the natural healthy hair coming in. There's a marked difference between my relaxed hair and my natural hair. Then again, I'm transitioning and may be biased.
I'm a little over a week (I think it is 1 week and not 2
)into using Surge and I haven't noticed any growth but the itching is going to drive me
THICK!THICK!THICK! I did an underprocessed relaxer 3wks ago and Surge had my roots so thick and poofy that I hads to do a corrective relaxer 11/27 AND NOW
....its already started back making waves in the back portion of my head.....I think I'm gonna have to renig on my relaxer stretching challenge
And the friend I recruited has had such great result with thicker hair too that she recruited her's been having same great results....lots of soft, thick hair.
I'm gonna measure tonite before these roots get unruly again& will post my results. Thankds for this great challenge DSD!;) Sorry about the relaxer stretch slip!

Im feeling you on the relaxer challenge. I don't know how Im going to pull off delaying my touch up for 16 weeks. I touched up on 11/9 and am sitting here thinking "this new growth is out of control." It feels like I am at about 5 weeks when I am only at 3. Not complaining, though. This is great!!!
AFashionSlave said:
I am so late on everything around here.

What is surge?
What does it look like?

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I just found out what surge was. Ignore my question.
MoezThunder said:
And the friend I recruited has had such great result with thicker hair too that she recruited her's been having same great results....lots of soft, thick hair.
I'm gonna measure tonite before these roots get unruly again& will post my results. Thankds for this great challenge DSD!;) Sorry about the relaxer stretch slip!

[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks! I am just so happy that everyone's hair is doing so well with the challenge!
i am so surprised that everyones' having that type of success with surge. my mom got her touchup 3wks ago and started using surge religiously twice a day and all she can say is that it made her roots hard and bushy; at first she thought it was new growth until she had my sister measure it and discovered that it was exactly the same length; and the progress she thought she had was just her relaxer reverting in places she had sprayed the surge. has anyone else had this experience?
well, I noticed the my hair was bushy at the roots but Iam pretty sure it is not my relaxer reverting, I actually flat ironed my hair last night and found out that it had grown, my mom was like your hair looks so nice and it is growing, so I have only experienced good things, especialy with thickness, my hair was always so thin, I LOVE this product
A TICKET FOR $85!!!!! Girl for that price I'll fly you here myself with a lifetime supply of Surge. Boy well 5 bottle is good for me. Even though I spray everyday There's still a lot left in the bottle after 2 weeks. I'm estimating that one 12oz can last me a month or longer so , by that time I would have hit the US and will be able to carry some back myself.

Girl next time I'll meet you in the morning so you don't have to carry that around all day