WEN has Pomegrante Conditioner


Well-Known Member
I love pomegrante anything, so I ordered the 4 piece set from QVC. The set includes the Pomegrante & Sweet Almond cleansers, the Sweet Almond re-moist hydrating mask, and the Sweet Almond Oil Mint Oil. Cost including shipping is $48.75. QVC will be the only place you can purchase the Pomegrante condish until the first of the year. It looks like the conditioners are 6oz, and the oil and remoist are 2oz each.
What oh my I love everything Pomegrante thanks Coffee.
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I'm watching this on QVC right now. (I love Mally!)

IDK, the reviews on WEN are so mixed, I can't decide!
I love QVC and WEN. I saw the set on Friday Night Beauty and was so proud of myself for not ordering. Now, I'm not so sure. I also wanted to restock on my Tarte eyeliners. I may just break down and order.
I saw WEN on QVC the other day and was intrigued. But the price was still a little too much for me, especially since I wasn't too sure of how it would work for my hair. I did some poking around and saw some reviews that Hair One from Sally's was comparable. I tried it and it ok, but I am still working through my Dominican stash right now:grin:
I first tried HairOne months and month ago. recently my mother bought me some WEN. I must say that I immediately returned HairOne but I love WEN.
Just placed my order! That's all that I use to cleanse my scalp and hair...(for now)